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Fall Photo Shootout


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To celebrate the change of season I'm kicking off an informal contest - the Fall Photo Shootout.

Cairn Talk members can upload Fall-themed photos to the Fall Photo Shootout gallery. Any registered member of the forum can rate the photos on a scale of 1-5 stars.

By the time winter rolls around, a few photos are likely to have percolated to the top of the "top-rated" list - I will try to acknowledge the top photo(s) in some way. Since there is no budget for this - and I hope to run many different contests throughout the year - you will have to settle for glory :king: and satisfaction as your prize. By enjoying the photos, we all win :thumbsup:

Note: the gallery is new functionality and I may not have it configured properly. If you have troubles, please post questions and trouble-reports in Forum Support (not via PM, please).

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What fun!!

Unless I dress Molly as a pumpkin, I will have to find the 10 or so leaves that turn color and fall here each year. :( I miss Pennsylvania and all the gorgeous fall colors! Waaaaaa! I'm sure those in the Northeast and other areas will have some gorgeous pics!

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As many as it will let you. I'm sure I set some sort of number or space limit somewhere, but there are so many settings I can't recall how many or under what circumstances the limit applies :P

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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