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Meet Scruffy


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This is my first post, so this is my introduction also. My name is Jim, and I live in West Virginia and last week I finally got to pick up my puppy, a beautiful Cairn Terrier. I've named him Scruffy and he's so full of energy and just a happy little guy. I've had dogs all my life, but this is my first Cairn Terrier. My neighbor has one and I just fell in love with their personality and "zest" for life. :D

Anyway, I've been waiting on him for what seems forever, but the breeder insisted on not allowing him to leave until 9 weeks, so I got him last week. We've been getting acquainted with each other and he's been learning the house rules. He's doing great at crate training and also doing great with potty training, well, he knows what going outside is for, and I believe that is half the battle. I've included some photo's I took this evening so he can be properly introduced.

I look forward to participating in the discussions here and I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions specific to Cairn's.






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He is so cute you are going love him...... I have my 2nd Cairn and I adore her. They are so much fun..Welcome to the forum..........post-4129-1254784768627_thumb.jpg

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Oh, my gosh, what an absolute doll :wub: and what wonderful photos.

Cairngratulations!!! I will be looking forward to hearing more about Scruffy.

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He looks to be a keen adventurer already! Very cute looking too! Welcome to Forum.............


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Welcome! I'm looking forward to reading "Tales of Scruffy".

He's such a cutie; thanks for the pics and keep 'em coming!

Tara, Mom of three Cairn Terroriers, I mean, Cairn Terriers. :D

Max and Nelly

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"CAIRNGRATULATIONS!!!!" Welcome to the Forum, Jim & Scruffy. What a handsome little guy you've got there! Sounds like being exposed to your neighbor's Cairn gave you a dose of "Cairnosis", the untreatable desire to have a Cairn of your own. The only problem now that you have one, is that within a few months you'll start feeling the next stage of "Cairnosis", which is Igottagetanotherone!!! :D Great pictures, keep 'em comin'.


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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I'm sure I'll be posting more pictures as Scruffy grows up. He's doing great so far and just a bundle of energy and antics. Totally entertaining to watch him play.

Thanks all,


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He is beautiful, makes me want a little one again. Welcome to the forum. I am also a first time cairn owner (Nena is now 2 yrs) you will find a wealth of info here and some great people to ask any question that comes up.

I love him in his little harness. Happy times ahead to you and your new little guy.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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He is absolutely adorable!! :hug: Welcome Jim and Scruffy


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Scruffy sure is a cutie. Look forward to more pics.

Be warned, Cairns are like potato chips............you can't have just one.

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