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Weekend Fun


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Well, Tanner has officially had his first visit to the dog park! I took him on Friday night. I had discovered back in July that there was a free dog park about 20 minutes from my house, but it was closed for repairs/renovations until August 8. The next closest dog park is at least 45 minutes, one way, from my house & has a yearly fee. This one is closer & free, so it is great! It's pretty basic, just a fenced in area with some benches, trees & fire hydrants :) , but it's great for us because I don't have a fenced in yard. Therefore, it was Tanner's first time ever off-leash outdoors. He had a blast!! It was great fun for me, too, just watching him. The park is split to where there's a smaller side for 25lb & under dogs and a larger side for dogs over 25lbs. The smaller side cleared out until we were the only ones left, so we ventured over to the big dog side...since Tanner thinks he weighs 200lbs, and I kept a really close eye on him, it wasn't a problem. There were a couple of other smaller dogs on that side, too. A highlight was that we met another cairn! It was an 11 year old female. The owners had just gotten her, though, and they were afraid she would get too upset, so they never took her off leash & really only had her inside the fence for a few minutes. Tanner wanted to play with her SO BAD, even through the fence, but once she was inside the fence, since she was still on leash, I think she felt more intimidated & was kinda growly. A lot of people recognized him as a cairn, so apparently, in my neck of the woods, it's a recongizable breed. :thumbsup: Tanner had such a great time & I plan on taking him back as often as possible. He absolutely loves other dogs & people & is pretty well socialized, especially with people. Needs a little work on socialization with dogs, but he did pretty well. I went home proud! :whistle: I am so looking forward to more adventures at the dog park!! I didn't take pictures, 'cause I was afraid people might think I was a little crazy, taking pictures of his first dog park adventure, but maybe next time.

We also ran by Petsmart when we left because there was one on the way. So he got even more interaction & praise there. One of the workers, who was giving him commands, stated that he should be a spokesdog for his breed. More pride from me.... :blush: Of course, he was in good form...not always the case at home. I know the little devil he can become, but that didn't make me any less proud of him. ;)

Then we ran by my sisters house & he got to visit with her & my brother-in-law, who are 2 of his favorite people & the people he stays with when I have to have him somewhere else besides home (carpet cleaning days, days when he would be home the entire day alone, etc.).

All in all, he had a fantastic night of fun & play & getting to meet new people & relish kisses on old friends! Needless to say, he slept like a rock that night...and so did I. :P

Becky & Tanner
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sheila and Misty

sounds like you two had a great time! what luck having a free place that close by. You lucked out with HTanner being on his best behavior..They usually do things that embarrase you when someone is around. Id be darn proud too!

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I have a dog park just down the street and we use it all the time. It's clean and well-maintained. I think it's a great way for dogs to socialize and get more exercise than they would normally get on a walk. You're lucky that the park is divided for large & smaller dogs. As you use the park more often, you'll become acquainted with the pros and cons of using dog runs/parks, so I won't list them here. I'm obviously an advocate of these places, so I wouldn't want to dampen your enthusiasm... But I would point out that in general, it may be safer for you & Tanner to stick to the smaller dog run. Cairns are notorious for not backing down in a conflict, no matter how big the opponent might be. Skirmishes can occur in an instant. If that were ever to happen, Tanner would be at less risk for serious injury in the small run.


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I love my dog park. We are a family down there, the regulars keep it clean by watering the grass and gardening, and there are some of us (like me) that pick up other pups poop. Great place for the dogs and the owners.

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But I would point out that in general, it may be safer for you & Tanner to stick to the smaller dog run. Cairns are notorious for not backing down in a conflict, no matter how big the opponent might be. Skirmishes can occur in an instant. If that were ever to happen, Tanner would be at less risk for serious injury in the small run.

I agree...when we first got there, there were only abt. 4 dogs in the small dog side and what seemed like a million dogs in the big dog side & I thought to myself that I was so glad they were divided! But after abt. 15 minutes, the smaller side cleared out until Tanner was the only one over there & I waited 5-10 minutes, thinking maybe someone else would show up, but they didn't. By that time, the big dog side was down to abt. 7 dogs, so we ventured over there. I watched him like a hawk, almost to the point of following him around. And I had read somewhere to have a spray bottle on hand in case a fight breaks out, as it may help to get them separated, so I had that with me, too. My preference would be to keep him in the small run & I'll probably try to bring a soccer ball or something next time in case he ends up the only one in there again.

Our weather forecast calls for rain the rest of the week, so we might have to wait until next week to strike out on another dog park adventure. :)

Becky & Tanner
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You chaps are so lucky to have fenced in, dedicated dog parks. They don't exist here in NZ. We have just had to pay our annual dog licence fee and my Council charge NZ$70 for a desexed dog. This got me to thinking - exactly what do we get for that as an American friend said she only had to pay US$4? It appears we just get a plastic tag with a registration number on it, a pound if the dog gets lost and Dog Control Officers to come and tell us off if our dogs are annoying the neighbours by barking. I am going to make a submission to the Council requesting a dedicated dog park and any reasons for such a park that you chaps can come up with, would be greatly appreciated.

At the moment we can't use our local beaches because 2 dogs have died in the past 6 weeks from ingesting something toxic at the beach. So far sea slugs and tropical toxic puffer fish are being blamed, but why hasn't it happened previously? The beach at low tide, with a cliff on one side was the only place I felt safe in letting Fergus off the lead as he wasn't able to climb the cliff. I do take him to the local small park which isn't completely fanced in, where approx 10 dogs meet each morning, but I find Fergus charges in to jump up and greet the owners first, tries to grab any poo bag lying or hanging around, empty or full, then he gets bored and goes exploring in the bushes, probably looking for bush rats. That's when I start panicking and do a recall (if I'm lucky) with a bag full of treats and hook him up again.

A fenced in dog park where I could relax and Fergus socialise would be my idea of heaven. Now if only I could win the Lotto, I'd buy a piece of land and make my own for the local dogs.

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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we love our dog park. they have a small dog side and big dog side. It only a couple of years old its very well maintained..its kinda funny at ours they just put in a doggy water fountain. LMAO They also put some agility obstacle things in. Which angel could care less about...lol figures


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I wish our park had a small and big dog side.

We are having a new park to open soon that will be the first (of 4 currently) with a separate area for small dogs.

I have noticed that Maxwell plays so much differently with dogs his size. With larger dogs, he frequently jumps all over them trying to say hi and get a sense of them. He will get in their face and I think this annoys them. With smaller dogs, he is able to meet them on his own level and does not have to jump so the play is much more calm and appropriate.

I worry about Maxwell getting hurt at the park because there are so many large dogs who come. He likes very much to rough house with some of the larger dogs - many pit bulls, boxers, shepherds. I have seen, and heard, of several fights between the larger dogs that have gotten out of hand and dogs / people have been hurt. I know that Maxwell will not back down if he is involved in an altercation, and also worry that he matches play between the bigger dogs - if they become more rowdy and play harder, so does he. There are several pit bulls who love to play with Maxwell, flipping him over and biting at his neck. I know their owner very well and Maxwell plays with them a lot, but often even these dogs sometimes nip sensitive areas too hard. On one occasion, Maxwell was bitten by a small hound and became so saddened that he sat by the gate and cried. My biggest concern, however, about Maxwell playing with larger dogs in the park is that he will be injured from being trampled. It is for this reason that we leave when the park is very busy; it becomes too hard for me to keep my eyes on him, and with lots of larger dogs running around (and Maxwell chasing after them barking) I don't think it is very safe for him to stay.

Otherwise, I really love our park. Both Maxwell and I have some really good friends that we meet at the park on a regular occasion. We go several times a week. It is so great that I can come home from work and, instead of feeling bad about not wanting to take Maxwell for a walk in the blistering summer heat, we can both go to the well-shaded dog park and enjoy being outside!

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