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I want to buy an X-pen for Murphy, our two year old Cairn. I think it would give him more room to move about when I have to confine him for a couple of hours. I have seen one type at our local pet store, but wasn't impressed. Does anyone know any good brands or good websites that sell these? Also, should it be at least 36 inches high?

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We use 30 inch pens and that seems to be what I see all around me at various Cairn events. 36 inches would be heavier and more expensive, with no appreciable increase in security. If you have a dedicated climber, it wouldn't matter if the pen were 48-inches - you'll end up with a cover or lid (sold separately). We've only ever had one climber (hence, we have both solid and fabric lids for when we need to be out of catching range while outdoors at an event). 24 inches is too easy to simply hop over.

Common brands are Precision, Midwest, Kennel-Aire. We tend to just buy them at dog shows from a large-ish vendor such as 3-C's or Cherrybrook, as shipping can be rather high from some web sites.

One interesting bit of advice I read in some book about "secrets of showing": buy the cheapest, flimsiest ones you can find, as you will be hauling them around for years and you will come to appreciate lightness over durability. It's not like the dogs will be using torches and wire cutters to break out - they don't need to be top quality metal to keep a small dog in. Likewise, although they may look terrible as they begin to oxidize and rust, functionally they last for years and years and years.

We have some that are held together with threaded rods at the intersections - I don't like them because they are indeed heavy and the nuts can come off. The cheaper ones are actually held together with simple crimped metal bands. I like these because they are light, the bands can easily be pried off if I want to separate a panel for some reason, and replacement bands can be bought at the feed store or hardware store, etc.

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Thanks so much for the recommendations, Brad. We want one that is portable and easy to dismantle, as he frequently travels with us. He is not a climber so I think the 30 inch will be adequate, but I may buy the cover just in case. We think he will be much happier with a bit more space.

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We have always used them for training our young terriers. Ours has two aluminum trays on the bottom which we lined with paper and we put their crate in there without the door.. it works great. It keeps them safe, they can go in their crate if they want and we found that house breaking was really easy. They no more wanted to go on the trays close to their crate then if left in the crate, but if there was a boo boo it was a cinch to clean.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I have a climber but worse a jumper. Sugar can clear 36 so if she is in one it has a top on it. I have 24, 30, 36 and a 48 inch for Sugar when we camp or go to dog shows. I actually found the 36 inch one at the good will store so it was an impluse buy.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I have a 4x4x4 and I bought the cover which really comes in handy while at outdoor events to provide shade. Mine has a door on the front (like a crate) which is very helpful if you are containing multiple dogs. Without the door you either have to reach in to grab a dog or lift the pen and then someone can escape. My pen folds up and has a latch to keep it together and a handle to carry like a briefcase. Just some features to look for if it applies to your situation. I have 3 Cairns so we tote a lot of stuff when we go out!

My pen was a lifesaver after Dino was neutered. He did not tolerate the e-collar and would not go in his crate. I brought the x-pen into the kitchen and placed it on an old sheet. We put Dino in a "onesie" so he couldn't get to his stitches and he had his own penthouse for the two weeks of healing sans the cone!

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The cheaper ones are actually held together with simple crimped metal bands. I like these because they are light, the bands can easily be pried off if I want to separate a panel for some reason, and replacement bands can be bought at the feed store or hardware store, etc.

I have this type of Xpen, held with the crimped bands... which you can remove with pliers...and put back on!

Our is a midwest 42" and i've got ours in two sections right now.... I love that I can take it apart.

I got my on ebay for 40.00 with shipping.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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We have 3 Xpens and use them all the time (24 and 30 in). We keep one outside - to block the dogs from going around the side of the house. This keeps them from running back and forth along the block wall and barking at the neighbor's dog. Inside we use them to keep our chewer away from the carpets when we're not home.

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