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boat day!


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first day on the boat!! paisley loved it (minus the big bumps haha) we were able to take her off the leash since the island we went to is so tiny....its actually a sandbar that comes up during low tides

i hope these pictures work!

Chasing daddy down the beach!


Mommy why are you on the boat taking pictures!? come play!!!


Tired puppy drying off


**Ila and Paisley**
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These pics are great! It's good that at least one of us had some Outer Banks beach photos to post this year! :)

Max and Nelly

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I bet she slept well, when I first saw the picture I thought wheres the leash??? Glad you explained.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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she hasnt slept that much since i got her a few weeks ago! she was definitely pooped out! i may take her on the regular beach today, but she has to be on a leash for sure!! too many distractions.....i guess she is going to learn to be as big of a beach bum as i am! B)

**Ila and Paisley**
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So cute! Skye had her first boat trip last weekend and went to an island too! Only it was the Florida Keys.

It is nice to see them so excited to be able to run and play. Great that they poop out for a long time after their romp to let us get in a little relaxation.

Ada & Skye

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Great pictures with your fabulous pup! Love them all..she is a doll!


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We hope to bring Gretsch to our local sandbars as well! Paisley looks right at home there on the beach, having a blast! Any tips for me when bringing him on the boat for the first time? (It would be a ski boat)

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I am definately suffering from "Beach Envy"! All we have is prairie,prairie and more prairie where we live.

We did take Jock up to one of the Northern lakes in Alberta, and the first time he saw a lake he just froze... didnt have a clue what it was about. I stepped into the water up to my knees and he jumped in, froze and realized the water was up to his neck. He beat a hasty retreat.... definately a land locked dog!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I kept her leash on her and let her explore around the boat before we left the dock. she sniffed around and then i picked her up and held her the entire ride. she didnt mind when we were going slow to let her face in the wind, but going fast she would duck her head underneath my arm! it was so cute! but i kept her leash on her the whole time and held her. i let her down when we were going through no wake zones and all to let her sniff around but kept a close eye if not a foot on the leash. it wasnt too scary for her! definitely pick a few calm days for the first couple rides!!

ps im going to get a doggy lifejacket when shes full grown. they are soooo cute and funny in them! she was a natural swimmer though..must take after her "daddy" (my boyfriend swam in college haha)

good luck!

**Ila and Paisley**
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