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Adopting a second pup


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This Saturday my husband and I will be picking up a second puppy, a 5 month old female (I will post more details about the pup on Saturday). I just had a few questions on how to go about integrating her into our household. Does anyone have any advice on how to make things easier for Sparky? When I walk them, should I put them on a coupler, walk them separately at first, or walk them at the same time but on different leashes? One of the biggest questions I have is how to go about crating her. Right now Sparky's crate is in our bedroom, and he is in there while I'm at work, and he sleeps in there on nights we don't want him to sleep with us. Should I crate the new pup in the same room, or should I put her in a separate room for a while, at least until she gets used to being with us? I'm worried that if Sparky is crated in the same room with her, and she has accidents in her crate, then maybe he will too. I guess my main concern is making sure Sparky doesn't regress. He's the perfect dog in terms of being housebroken, and I want to make sure I'm doing what I need to do to make sure he stays that way. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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I got Kimmy when Benny was 3. It was easier to potty train Kimmy because I think she learned from watching Benny. I walk them at the same time on separate leashes, but every time I take them walking, I think I want a double leash, but I never end up getting one because I forget. I doubt Sparky would backslide in his potty training as long as you remain consistent with him. It seems like watching Sparky would help your new puppy too.

PS I love Sparky's name. It makes me think of a little pup who always gets in trouble, but looks cute doing it. Which, of course, Cairns do. ;)

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Idaho Cairns

Keep them together--your older dog will teach the puppy the ropes. We find puppies model on the older dog in terms of behavior and reaction to stimuli. Much easier to raise a young dog when you have an older, well trained dog in the house. In terms of walking them, do what is easier for you--for us that is a dual leash.

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I would walk them on separate leashes at least until they like each other. From my experience your biggest problem is keeping Sparky's attitude good. He has to know he is first, first to get meals, first to get treats, etc. This is hard because we all want to ooh and ahh over the new one. Also Sparky may need some extras, like he gets to sleep with you at first, while puppy is in crate. I would crate in the bedroom. I don't think Sparky's housetraining will regress but be prepared that Sparky is going to be horrified by the things the puppy does. Why doesn't the puppy know the rules? When I have added a new puppy, the older dogs were horrified when the puppy had an accident, or ran around with a shoe or sock or something that wasn't allowed. I had the most problem with Spring when Shiner came. Spring is very sensitive to me and in her mind Shiner was breaking all the rules and making mom mad. I wasn't really mad, but you do tend to hollar when the puppy grabs something they aren't supposed to. I spent alot of time telling Spring how good she was. Now they love each other and since Shiner now knows the rules, every thing is fine. Have fun with your new one.

MACH3 Red Lion Springin Miss Macho CDX RAE OF ME
Marquee Cairnoch Glintofmacho CD RE MX MXJ OF ME

Glenmore Hjour Summer Sun


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As I am also new to having two dogs I share your concerns.I tried the Couple lead and found it dificult to use because Lucy was set in the way she liked to walk.Toby seemed to pull her the way he wanted to go,so we walk them on seperate leads ,we also try and take Toby out on his own to get him some time to help teach him to heel ,he forgets to concentrate when Lucy is with him :lol: Lucy used to sleep upstairs but the first night we got Toby we decided to try and keep them in our kitchen in seperate beds (to be honest was worried how Lucy would react)No worries she was an angel, and they have slept there since .It seems that having Toby in our home has brought no problems for Lucy,in fact she enjoys having him around her :D:thumbsup: For Saturday.

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Thanks for all the advice! Hearing your stories makes me excited to see how Sparky will react to her. And Angieh, Sparky's name definitely fits him. He definitely gets in trouble more than he should, and he knows how cute he is, too.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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Nothing more to add really except in regards to the walk.

Walk them together with you, but on seperate leashes. You will be the leader of the pack and letting them walk with you together will help establish that. One on each side is what worked best for us. I found the coupler caused problems during the walk because Miya was so much bigger than Max when we got him, and they are only 3 months apart. She pulled and he would go her way! lol

Good luck and post pictures when you get your new little fur kid :)



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Oh boy! Im excited yall are getting another! Congratulations!

Puddles was 6 months when Iris came. She took over right away as her best friend. I introduced them on neutral territory. I was visiting mom when my lil furry surprise came about (Iris) I have heard that is the best way to introduce. I also dont think you will have problems with Sparky. He may even be the enforcer of rules for a bit as in, coming to get you when she is doing something she shouldnt as said above. My Girls still "tattle" on one another....

We also walk together. In the beginning, i did work on training separately....But walks are together always. I have 4 dogs, cut into 4 miles for the girls and 2 for the boys. So i make the best of what I can do in that aspect..

I think you and Sparky are gonna do just fine. I think it will become second nature really fast for you. Youll know what to do.

Ohh I cant wait!


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Looking forward to hearing how today has gone for you Sparky's Mum. Hope Sparky got on well with the pup. :thumbsup:


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sheila and Misty
Keep them together--your older dog will teach the puppy the ropes. We find puppies model on the older dog in terms of behavior and reaction to stimuli. Much easier to raise a young dog when you have an older, well trained dog in the house. In terms of walking them, do what is easier for you--for us that is a dual leash.

absolutely I agree 100% My two have worked out wonderfull together...as far as walking Me and my hasband take turns one time he has Misty and I have Toby etc -if its only you if your older one walks slow enough they can be couples but Id wait untill your little one is older and larger so its more of a balance they dont always have to go together(its nice tho) but if you take one...you sure better come back and take the other one.

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