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Does your Cairn do this?


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I was trying to get to cleaning done this afternoon. Brody likes to make it a bit hard! Warning! The video is a bit loud so be mindful of your volume!

Yes! I still have the tags on my new couch! It's brand new I can't make myself take them off yet! LoL!


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Idaho Cairns

No. Don't think I would allow my dogs to behave that way. The only "uncontrolled" barking we haven't been able to stop is when the doorbell rings or some knocks at the door but we are making headway.

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paisley is scared of the vacuum as of now. but my maltese did that. we had to put him in another room usually. its humorous at first, then it got reallllly old haha

**Ila and Paisley**
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Oh man, Sparky does that too! If I need to vacuum, he has to be in his crate. He thinks it's his duty to fight the vacuum.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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Oh yeah.... till my DH yells to stop!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Cute video!

Molly doesn't bark at the vacuum, but she does try to "play" with it/attack it. I think it's fun actually, since I am accomplishing two things at once: cleaning, and wearing her out!

Haha...regarding the tags. I've had my new couches for two years now, and they've been covered with blankets since day one. No butt has touched the fabric yet! :D

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Angel doesn't she could care less about the vacuum cleaner or the wet vac. But Scotty Loves to attack it...but if I tell him no he runs away with his tail in between his legs.


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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The only times Brody barks is when the doorbell rings (tv or in real life) and when the vaccum comes out. He usually will get gated in the kitchen when I'm trying to clean but I was in a hurry today!

Of course, I don't know where Brody got that he is supposed to bark when the doorbell rings?! Since both of our family is so far away we hardly have unannounced visitors. Uncontrolled..Maybe. But I don't see it as a bad thing being how he doesn't bark to the point where it ever becomes a problem.

We have a neighbor that lives a few houses down and they have a boxer pup (not quite sure how old 8-12 months maybe) and they must leave him in their garage all day because his barking is really an annoyance! <_<

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Holly does not bark at the vacuum cleaner but she follows it around, but she does bark at the mower when I am cutting the lawn and dances in front of it! So she gets shut in kitchden at those times.


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Bailey doesn't bark at the vacuum cleaner, but will follow me around watching and will chew his bone near it. Why I don't know...as I move around the room so does he and his bone. Casey is afraid of the vacuum and will go in another room.

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Spring wants to kill the vacuum, not sure if Shiner wants to kill it or play with it. They either go outside or in another room when I use it. If they can't get right up to it, they don't bark. I always tell people "pick your fights" and this one just isn't important enough when it's so easily remedied by just removing them.

MACH3 Red Lion Springin Miss Macho CDX RAE OF ME
Marquee Cairnoch Glintofmacho CD RE MX MXJ OF ME

Glenmore Hjour Summer Sun


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Mine loves to attack and kill the vacuum and she bits the bag so I had to put a stop to that. I watched the Dog Whisperer several years ago and she showed how to stop a dog from doing that. It worked great, I just have to reinforce what I want from her everytime I vacuum, but she knows that she can't do that to the vacuum.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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Louie used to but not so much anymore. He did try with the lawn mower, and it freaked me out. I said "Sorry buddy you WILL lose a fight with a lawn mower."

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as Shona is only a pup really at 6 mo i keep her on a leash in the house, so if i hoover round her she can't reach the hoover... she jumps a bit cos she is still playful and she does have that hunter chase instinct very close to the surface. She doesn't bark at the vacuum, but she does bark when she is tied up on the terrace near the kitchen door on her long lead and she hears people in the gardens round about... this is gradually calming now as we train her to stop but i think it is 99% instinct so it takes time cos she will start barking like crazy and i can stop her pretty quickly, she will sit for me and quieten right down but she is so excited her back end is practically bouncing... the one thing is cats, if a cat comes in the garden she goes MAD, that is one reason why i have her always attached to her long lead... the other is we lost our first puppy at 15 weeks when she got out of the garden and met the main road... with Shona i am trying to cut out any uncontrolled and over excited behaviour but with a 6 mo Cairn this is a very uphill task!!! I have a friend who has two Dobermans and she says she is amazed at Shona's crazy behaviour cos her two Dobermans just seemed to instinctively sit quiet at her feet and behave perfectly while I take Shona to obedience classes, do half an hour of obedience training every day, I am constantly working at improving her manners out and about and still the damned dog does what she wants unless closely watched... My first dog so if i ever have another i guess it will be easy after this experience with my Cairn...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currey wants to kill the vacuum. He doesn't bark so much anymore, but if you use the shop vac or the hose on the regular vac he will go at it snarling and biting. We have to be quite mindful of where he is when using the hoses! Occasionally, I'll mess with him and pretend the hose is attacking me and he'll come to my rescue! It is quite twisted but just too cute to pass up. However, as he has gotten older, unless he's in a particularly wild mood, he will mind me if I tell him to stop. Mostly he just follows the path of the vacuum around a room warily and then bounces up when it comes right at him, and of course it comes right at him all the time because he puts himself in its path!

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Yes, our Cami did do that it got to the point that I couldn't even vacuumed I would have to shut her up in a room.. As I said before Cami was a rescue and had many bad habits she had gotten way with.

I finally broke her of chasing the vacuumed barking and biting at it.. How? well got me a small spray bottle filled with water when she would attach the vacuumed I would say NO!! and spray her lightly in the face.. After a couple times of that she quit!! that is unless she forgets which happens on occasion..

I discovered the spray bottle worked one day as was she chased me around the bed biting at my pants legs. Made making a bed got to be a real job!! saying no didn't work! We understood from the rescue lady that the previous owner was afraid of Cami and would run or jump up on the bed when she did this to her, so of course it made this a game. And course this gave Cami the upper hand.. "SMILE" After a quick spray from my ironing spray bottle filled with water she just stopped and looked at me , "LIKE WHAT WAS THAT?" After doing a quick spray in the face she no longer does it.. Just sits quietly and watches me make beds..

It doesn't hurt her and now if she forgets all I have to do is shake the spray bottle at her and she will go away and lay down.

Peni Powell

Sandy Oregon

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I tried the spray water bottle thing also.... Jock loves it! He jumps up in the air and tries to catch the droplets. Hard to dampen the playfull heart of a Cairn :P

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Hi Kim-

Brody is just too darn cute for words! Yes, it does make it challenging when they decide to get ferocious with household cleaning devices. Gus used to do this with the vacuum cleaner too but not very badly at all. I put that down to the fact that the breeder made a point of running hers right around their crib in their room since birth. His most astonishing foe is the broom :lol: :lol: Even tho I use my broom about every other day, he still has to keep mom "safe" by seeing just how long and loud he can bark (which is usually about the same time I'm done!)

Hope Brody's birthday bash was a blast and that all is well since his surgery!

Rita & Gus

Rita Roetker

Mommy of (Fer)Gus

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Oh.. He likes the broom too!!


His party went great! There are some pics in the Birthday Brody thread. Unfortunately, he hasn't had surgery yet. But he has been doing pretty well lately!!

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My husband loves making smoothies. Every time he puts the ice and ingredients in and turns the blender on, Murphy goes cracker-dog! He barks and barks until I pick him up and hold him in my arms. Personally, I think it scares him, so I try to go outside with him when I know DH is going to make his smoothies. :huh:

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vacuums are evil according to Kooper just as the weedeater and lawnmower are evil....I have no idea why, he just started about 2 months ago...drives me nuts. I will have to try the spray bottle w/ water, especially with the lawn mower.

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