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Twelve months have gone


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Hard to think that 12 mths ago, I was thinking about going to collect Holly from the breeder.

I had been looking around for a small adult dog for about 6 weeks and had approached a couple of rescue organisations and been told they only rehomed their dogs with people who had experience of the breed [Lakeland or Border terriers], been and seen no dog I liked at RSPCA Kennels. So I put a little rant on the ChitChat thread of my internet provider's Forum about this. I was contact by PM from Sandra. She explained she had four Cairns and if interested she knew people who may have a Cairn available. So she came to see me with her pack and I was very taken with them. She got in touch with a friend who found that this breeder was retiring a bitch that was four and half years old and red brindle. Sandra found out the details and passed them onto me and so I rang Mr Mears arranged to go and see Holly and him. Went with my friend Ann and met Holly, talked to Mr Mears about her and I decided I would have her as she was so cute. As I did not have anything for her at home, arranged would return a week later.

Holly had been shown and then had 2 litters. She lived in kennels with concrete run alongside 10 more Cairns. They did not have toys as mr mears said they destroyed them.

post-3604-1249218504_thumb.jpg Holly when I first saw her - 27.7.08.

So went back and collected her. Holly had to learn how to live in a house and I had to learn about living and caring for a dog. Well, 12 mths on I think we both have it accomplished! There have been some ups and downs along way though.

But Holly is now my companion, she is affectionate and loving, still awkward on walks at times, rather greedy, has some stubborn moments, loves playtime with her toys [and she has not fully destroyed anything yet!], she alerts me to phone ringing/post/callers but is otherwise quiet, but most of she is my best friend and I love her dearly and would not part with her for anything!

Even when she pinches my seat on the sofa!!


We are having some of her doggy friends coming round tomorrow afternoon for a doggy anniversary party! So hoping that weather stays dry........................ :cake:



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What a good day it was for Holly when you went to see her. Holly has now got a very good life with someone who loves her :hug: Hope you both have lots of fun tomorrow!!!

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Josie, it's obvious that you & Holly were meant for each other, and that she was just waiting for you to come along and take her home with you. You two are a perfect match, and make each other's life complete. It's wonderful to see how a dog can make someone's life so much fuller & happier. I hope you have a very, very long life together.

Jim :thumbsup:

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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she's absolutely adorable and knows she is.

in this life it is hard to makes things come out right, even when you have to work for it. you can holly deserve a day of real celebration.

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I had six Cairns and an Irish Terrier in my small garden this afternoon - Holly was not at all territorial - and the played together wonderfully! :D

They would not stay still long enough to get photos of them altogether though! I think Holly enjoyed her anniversary.


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Congrats! How wonderful they all got along at the party. I'm sure Holly knew it was a special day for both of you. May you have many, many more years together. :)

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Happy one year to you! It sounds like you are an awesome doggie mom. And what a great idea to have the gathering, I'm sure Holly was sporting a big Cairn smile, running around a having a blast. What a nice story :D

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A success story for both you and Holly :wub: I think it is wonderful that we can share our homes and hearts with these delightful creatures. I am sure you can't imagine being without Holly now - and I know she would never want to give up all the love and luxury she has become accustomed to ... concrete run or sofa ... no comparison!

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