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Mr Independent


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As we only have a courtyard for 4 yo Fergus to run around in, I take him for a play date with a fellow Cairn, 2 yo Frank who has a big garden to run around in. However, I find that Fergus totally ignores Frank, and just patrols the fence line as if looking for an escape route. Poor Frank is so happy to see Fergus, but can't seem to understand why he gets ignored so I end up playing ball with Frank while Fergus keeps up his patrol. The one word I'd use to describe Fergus is independent and he definitely prefers human company to that of other dogs.

I wonder if he really is looking for an escape route or just inspecting his unfamiliar surroundings? :confused:

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Everytime we go to the dog park, Oscar plays for a while then becomes disinterested in fellow dogs and goes off to patrol. He has done this since first going to the DP almost 3 years ago. It's just his thing, and everyone laughs when we can only see his butt from out of the bushes.

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My 4 year old boy, Benny does this too. My 9 month old girl, Kimmy, is all over her dog friends to the point of being extremely annoying. It's funny how they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. I wonder if it has something to do with being male or female?

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We find all of our dogs pretty much do "perimeter patrol" in any new environment, and even in their own back yard. Fergus sounds quite normal in that regard.

My three do that as a team, both outside and inside. That's why we have to

watch them closely when going into someone else's home. Else

there will be marking by the two guys. :confused:

Max and Nelly

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Most of the time Renny sleeps through the night. Every once in awhile he will wake me in the middle of the night to go out. Sometimes he actually has to pee, but quite often he simply patrols the fence and is ready to come back into the house.

I'm not sure if he does it just to "pull my chain" or if he heard something that he thought needed to be checked out.

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Mine too does this everydau..however I've noticed there are three spots she tends to stay in...and I think there must be chipmunks, or neighborhood cats out there that have her attention. Or at least the lingering smells from them!!

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