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Introducing Skye


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Hi All,

Have been reading this blog for many months in preparation for our new arrival. We've had her for two weeks now and in just two weeks she has grown a bit, learned new things, made us laugh and yes, made me say "ouch" with the puppy bites and sigh with frustration a few times.

The good things outweigh the negative. She already sits on command and lays down. Yet she is stubborn and loves to chase and bite my bare feet or bite my hands sometimes when playing. Ouch, ouch! I usually stick a nearby toy quickly in her mouth.

Her potty training is pretty good. Constant going out and watching her every move. Not perfect but it is because we are not perfect and at times waited a bit too long to take her out, or took her out too soon. She sleeps in her crate at night without a sound and she has the run of the large bathroom when I go out. So much easier to clean up any accidents there. She hardly has any now though.

Will try to insert some pictures. Not sure how to do it, so I will read up on the forum how to's.


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Ok, I figured out how to attach the pictures so here are a few.

A couple is when we first got her and one was me being artistic while trying to lighten the picure. I like the effect. It is like the artist that paints the "Blue Dog". I call this one "Blue Skye". :)


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Ada (love the name) is gorgeous :) With her expression it looks like you are going to have lots of fun with her

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so cute :D i love how dark she is! how old? mine is 9 weeks

and yes those puppy bites are ouchie!!!! :crybaby:

**Ila and Paisley**
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Ooops! My name is Ada. Her name is Skye. It is the name the breeder gave her. We thought we might change it but it fits her perfectly. That is why I named that photo I doctored "Blue Skye". A play on words. :)

She is now going on 13 weeks approx. She was born on April 28th. We and the breeder decided it was best to get her a little older.

The breeder did a "Campbell" test on her and both my husband and I can't believe she was one of the calmer submissive ones. A middle of the road submissive. My husband wanted the Alpha female but she was taken. Now we both say "Thank God!" We can't imagine what that one would have been like. This one is spunky enough for us and a handful.


P.S. Can someone email me and explain how to insert her picture into my signon name? I tried by changed the "personal" photo but it does not come out on blog.

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She looks a real handful - a real light of mischief in those eyes!! Beautiful!


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Thanks everyone for such nice comments. If she could she would blush. :wub:

We just got back from dinner and took her with us. We are lucky to live in the Florida Keys which is very doggie friendly. Especially Key West. This afternoon she went with me to my favorite coffee shop and sat on the porch watching people go by as I read " It's Me or the Dog" training book.

She even goes with me to Home Depot! Lots of doggies there too. I took a pic of her in the shopping cart. Have to take that picture off the phone, then will post pic. Lots of socialization is important, I think.

Tomorrow she goes on the boat with us and then on the beach. :lol:


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What a cute bundle of fur lol. The picture in the signon name is called an avatar. Go to My Controls and you will find profile information. The avatar entry is there. Brad had to help me with this too when I first got started in the forum.

Good luck with the pup.

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She is a sweet heart! She looks so much like my Missy did as a puppy.

Skye is living the high life and she is one lucky girl. Coffee shops, beach and boats, what fun she is having.

Enjoy her and oh yeah, you are lucky you didn't get the alpha female. My Missy was alpha, never dog friendly to other dogs, only people. Very stubborn too but she was my puppy mill princess.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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what a sweetie pie, so cute...........mine is 5 mo.... Enjoy your furbaby, they are great fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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what a sweetie pie, so cute...........mine is 5 mo.... Enjoy your furbaby, they are great fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I LOVE that photo haha!!! Flynn's 5 months too.

Congrats on your new puppy, (Blue) Skye is so fluffy like a little bear, she's gorgeous!! I have been experiencing ouch, ouch OUCHHHHH moments since the day we brought Flyn home :crybaby: ...here's a tip, wear an oven glove and head to toe armour, your breeder should have provided you with this essential survival clothing when you picked Skye up lol!!!!

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OMG! She is the cutest little pup! Everytime I see pics like this I want to get another. You will have so much fun with her...congrats!

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Hi Skye, If you run out of tricks to pull on your uprights just read some of theses post for more ideas there are some good ones.


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She even goes with me to Home Depot! Lots of doggies there too. I took a pic of her in the shopping cart.

Congrats on your new baby! So adorable and love the color. Welcome!

A few months ago we brought Taz to Home Depot. I went to another aisle and my husband had Taz in the cart. When I met up with them at the front of the store, he says to me, "quick, let's get out of here!!" I looked down the aisle and there was a 20 ft long wet line in the aisle. Taz had peed in the cart as he was being pushed and my husband didn't notice until he was done. He was so embarrassed he just wanted to run out of the store! :shy:

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Dear Skye,

We love meeting kindred dark-colored Cairns!

Our Mom thinks you are cute as a button and we're jealous!

Welcome to the forum.

Sweet Pea and the Boys

Max and Nelly

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A few months ago we brought Taz to Home Depot. I went to another aisle and my husband had Taz in the cart. When I met up with them at the front of the store, he says to me, "quick, let's get out of here!!" I looked down the aisle and there was a 20 ft long wet line in the aisle. Taz had peed in the cart as he was being pushed and my husband didn't notice until he was done. He was so embarrassed he just wanted to run out of the store! :shy:

I can't remember the last time i laughed so hard haha!!! :lol:

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Wow great story, I would love to live where I could take mine into the store. I did not know that you could do that, but not around here. We can only go to the farm store or petshops.

That would be so great to take her around shopping with us.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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I think it would be lovely to be able to take Holly out shopping with me but that is a definite no no in this country. Only assistance dogs can enter stores.

I think the story about Taz is funny but also can see why it should be a "no" in that respect.

Also, as public toilets do not allow you anything other than assistance dogs it can sometimes be difficult if you areout on your own with dog, and you need to use one.....................

I ignored the sign at our local country park [Clumber] and went in with Holly as I just had to. However, trying to do everything with a dog in a small cubicle means that you have to be fairly acrobatic! Decided it was not an experience I wished to repeat!


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Skye is a cutie pie :wub:

"Holly&me" It's the same here too, no dogs in any stores... although there are some cafes that permit you to sit at outside tables with your dogs.

However, trying to do everything with a dog in a small cubicle means that you have to be fairly acrobatic!

Try doing it with two dogs!!! :lol:

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Very funny post about the line of pee in Home Depot...but this one might top it. I didn't mention that the same day, I had to go back to Home Depot and decided not to bring Skye...let her take a nap at home. While there, noticed a lady by in the fan department with what looked to be a Cairn. I went up to ask her and sure enough it was. It was HUGE though (27 lbs according to her) and that is what threw me off. While we were chatting the doggie proceeds to squat and make a poo as large as he was in the middle of the isle.

The lady did not blink and eye. I was mortified for her. "Excuse me", I said. "Your dog is taking a poo in the isle". "Oh" she answered, "I didn't bring anything to pick it up"....Ugggh!. So luckily she ran to the front and proceeded to pick up the poo with a Home Depot plastic bag.

Good, I thought and went on shopping. A few minutes later, I was at the customer service counter placing an order and the same lady walks up to me with the bag full of poo and starts talking to me about Cairns. I could hardly talk, :ermm: the smell was so overpowering. After a few minutes of this I suggested to her that she might want to get rid of the bag. The poor sales clerk behind the counter was gagging.

The lesson is: Always prepare for accidents and don't dangle a bag of poo while chatting away. Get rid of it first.

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Some people just don't have a clue. We don't take our dogs out of our yard without taking something along to clean up accidents. That's the type of person who gives dog owners a bad reputation. :nono:


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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