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Went off lead at the beach on accident...


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We went to the beach to visit out friend. If you remember, the beach is where we first tried Louie off a lead, and it didn't go well. Anyway, we wanted to walk around, and Louie bolted out of the yard because my friends dog was out and he wanted to join the fun. He took off, but I called him back.. and holy moly... he came back!

So, I tried to put him back in the yard and he bolted... again. Ran off to be with Larkin. I gave chase of course, and it took him a few times to "hear me", but lo and behold. He came to me again, even though he knew he had to go in the yard.

Then yesterday, we were in and out the front door, working on our car. Louie was lonely. We left the door open too long, and he came out. He didn't run out, or bolt. Just mosied on out, until the kids gave chase, over reacting to him being out (since I'm always adamant I'm sure) and then he started to run... right into the street, with a car coming. My husband yelled "Louie get your butt back in the house!" and he stopped, turned around, ears down, tail tucked between his legs, and trotted back into the house.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. Seriously.

Trust me, I'm not going to try anything stupid, but who would have thought my hard headed little pup would eventually listen SO well? I'm really lucky to have such a good listener. Better than my kids that's for sure. Now I wish he'd listen when I say "NO bark!" God, he loves to bark. At everything.

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Oh, it could have been so bad but Louie obviously has decided life is good with you and therefore he ought to obey! What a good boy but how worrying.........


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it's a real sign of how far you've come with louie. but you've got the lesson right, more time off lead is not the answer. these are the kinds of things that lead us sometimes to take the wrong risk at the wrong time. but overall it is clear that louie finds you credible and he's happy to respect your guidance. many congratulations~

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Yup... if it moves I will chase it! But so glad Hubby yelled for Louie to come back. What is that... when the guys yell these little monsters put on the brakes and skulk back! Not that I would ever trust Jock off lease, but I know if my DH raises his voice he reacts totally different than when I raise my voice <_<

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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So glad he listened. We always panic when ours got away on us and I am sure that makes matters worse. She does not come back to us unless she is tired of running around. She has not escaped for some time now thank goodness, but if it ever happens again I hope I can be calm and just yell at her to come back (maybe it will work for me) instead of taking off after her. She only runs more, I guess she thinks it is fun.

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I've found if you don't make being off lead a big deal - it's no big deal to dogs. Never anywhere near traffic, of course, but if you keep up recall training on a long lead or off lead - always be positive when he responds (even slowly) - then you are all set.

Where I walk my dogs in our local nature areas all sorts of breeds and all sorts of terriers are off lead with no problems whatsoever.

Again ... never, ever near road traffic!

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