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Lucy & Toby


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posting pictures of my two little ones,

th_DSCF0001.jpg Toby is on the left (sandy coloured)


Here they are enjoying the sunshine


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They look so lovely together. Sunshine? where is that this week.................... none here! Monsoon season I think.


Your Lucy has a look of Holly! How old is Lucy? [Holly was born 11.12.03 and comes from Glenmear, Burton on Trent]

I will have had Holly 12 mths this weekend.


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Here in Chicago our weather is not like it should be for summer. Funny how our Cairns love the sunshine.

Love the photo's, your two are adorable.

I love your Holly's dark muzzle. She is beautiful.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Pics were taken last week on the one and only sunny day lol,Holly and Lucy do look alike don't they, Holly's coat looks in very good condition. Do you have her hand-stripped or clipped?

Lucy will be 3 on 04-08-09 and we brought her from Durham when she was just 7 weeks old

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sheila and Misty

aww very cute! nice photos too! Think I want a blackish or black one next

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,Holly and Lucy do look alike don't they, Holly's coat looks in very good condition. Do you have her hand-stripped or clipped?

Holly has been handstripped now twice by a groomer at Barlborough [so near M1 as to be next to it!] but she did not do much to face/head/ears so my friend in Rotherham did that for me. Otherwise I like the gromer very much - she has a website and it is called the Grooming Room.


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adorable... yes, I know what you mean by monsoon season , I'm un NY and we had more than enough rain this summer, we have not even reached 90 degrees once....and summer is almos over.

My 2 are depressed because they love to be outside

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