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Dremel brand/model number


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I am thinking of buying a dremel. I had a Peticure Petite and used it somewhat successfully for my pups but sold it when I felt it wasn't powerful enough. I was thinking of ordering Peticure Elite now but I see some negative feedback about warranty claims/service on the internet. SO... now I am thinking of getting a dremel. I see that many of you use them. Are they super loud? There is not a guide for the nail to slip into like with the peticure...so is that an issue? I have looked back through some posts on the subject but assume that perhaps somebody has bought something new and great more recently... Thanks for any insights.

Jetersmom(and Bernie's)

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I still love my Stylus every time I use it. I use the small, coarse sandpaper cylinder, a pretty high speed setting, and the noise is not bad at all. It has no guard nor do I think it needs one. I find it very maneuverable; I really did not expect that when I bought it as an experiment.

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Thanks Brad... I'll check it out. I am also getting some opinions from my rescue friends at Colonel Potter Cairn Rescue. A bunch of those guys/gals use dremels also.

I just don't want to be stuck with something from a company who doesn't back their product. On a separate note... I have two bark citronella collars from Premier Pet Products and one has fizzled and the other lost the little door to the battery area. They are replacing the defective collar free of charge and sending me a battery cover. The collars have a lifetime warranty! Great customer service!

Jetersmom(and Bernie's)

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We use a cordless dremel on ours and it's not that loud.

Correct, there is no guide, but I don't feel like I need one. If you've been doing them yourself, you can pretty much guage how much needs to come off.



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Agreed on the guard part...even if you do hit the quick with a dremel (which isn't nearly as likely as with a typical nail clippers), the dogs don't put up a fuss since there's no pressure involved. I've hit the quick a few times and they didn't even notice.

I've found that the cordless ones are much quieter than ones that have cords. I believe they're more convienent as well.

Kintra Cairns

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Also, you can buy just the nail gurard by itself, it fits on a dremmel.... this is what I did.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I had a regular, corded Dremel before I had Cairns. I still use it and while it's noisier than the cordless and heavier, it still works fine. No problem not having a guard -- you only do it a little at a time anyway because the nail can heat up if you leave it on for a long time. I tried it on myself just to make sure it doesn't hurt and even when I nicked my finger, it was fine. Oh, and the little sanding surface does wear down eventually so you have to replace it once in a while.

I always think about getting the cordless one, but just haven't gotten around to it.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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