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Why are people more friendly when out walking your dog?. Before I had Lucy if I was out walking people would just nod as we passed by each other, nearby neighbours would just glance at you. BUT take a dog for a walk its a different story ,stangers will stop and say "Oh what a lovely dog is it friendly"neighbours will stop gardening and come to their gates to give dog a pat ,and if out without your pet will shout "where is she today"

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I agree. You probably wouldn't get that much positive interest if it weren't a Cairn you had!! :P

They are rather irresistible and charming.

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Man's best friend and all that. I think people in general are drawn to dogs, and have some association with them, whether they own dogs themselves presently, or have fond memories of a dog they had as a child. I think too, that it's an ice-breaker. Most people when asked about their dogs will beam and tell you anything you want to know! :)

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I don't normally approach people, but for some reason if someone has a dog, I always will. There is something about a dog, I don't know why.

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It is a well known fact to those of us of the male persuasion that a Cairn is a "Babe Magnet" ;) Walking the dog is a tough job, but I still manage to do it at 68 yrs., sometimes twice a day!! :P


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Well!!!!! You live and learn Jim,Thats a classic "Babe Magnet"can't wait to tell my DH .No more walking the dogs for ME :D

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lol Jim,

When we first got Miya and I took her to the vet, I stopped to get some toys or treats at the time.

Oh my gosh, I couldn't take 10 steps without someone stopping me and wanting to pet her, ask me what kind of dog she was, etc.

I came home and told my husband "if there are any single guys out there who want attention, take a CAIRN PUPPY to the pet store with them".

LOL, I was exhausted by the time I got home with her that day!



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We live in an historic seaside village and get lets of tourists in summer. Several times DH has come back from Fergus' evening walk saying "Fergus is world famous is Mumbai" or Tokyo, etc as they have been stopped by tourists wanting DH to take a photo of them with Fergus. Perhaps that's what makes Fergus a cocky little devil!

Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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LOL Jim !

Yeah I have really noticed how friendly people are when I walk Murphy as opposed to not having him there. We've lived in our quiet street for over 3 years and always said hi to neighbours etc with some conversation, now I find it hard to get on with our walks because of all the people stopping you to chat and I now know all my neighbours !!! It's weird but of course Murphy just loves all the fussing.

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Why are people more friendly when out walking your dog?. Before I had Lucy if I was out walking people would just nod as we passed by each other, nearby neighbours would just glance at you. BUT take a dog for a walk its a different story ,stangers will stop and say "Oh what a lovely dog is it friendly"neighbours will stop gardening and come to their gates to give dog a pat ,and if out without your pet will shout "where is she today"

My DH says if he suddenly lost me to illness or some such he wouldn't be lonely very long. :)

I.e., he calls the pups "chick magnets". Hmph!

Max and Nelly

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I agree with Jim. Cairns, and I suppose most dogs especially smaller ones ARE babe magnets. I'm 66 and we walk 3 times a day. Renny greets everyone we meet, but especially loves women!

Now I need to convince him if he really wants to bring one home, he needs to work on the older ones instead of the 20 somethings!

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There is something completely adorable about a man walking a smaller dog. I think it screams "I'm man enough to love this cute, fluffy thing"

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I have definitely noticed this! Sadly, I'm the person who wouldn't be overly friendly if I didn't have Sparky with me. But with Sparky, I feel like I have kind of an outlet. Of course, it's not like I have a choice since Sparky usually runs right up and sniffs the legs of whoever we're walking by.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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I think folks say................. Ah, anybody who loves dogs can't be all bad so they feel comfortable approaching you. If they also have a dog they immediately have something in common with you which makes conversation easier.

Murphy and I know all the dog walkers and the names of the dogs we see each morning on the walking trail. We're a friendly group and it makes it pleasant to get up at the crack of dawn and get down to the park.

North Georgia, USA

Home to Miss Murphy-Cairn mix-born est. Dec.'07

Joined our family on June 16,'09

Dogs leave pawprints on your heart

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sheila and Misty

I believe its just an easier way to approach and talk to a complete stranger lights up the ...okay-what do I say next tension.

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Since having Holly I have got to know more people round where I live, and if we go to Clumber I get lots of people asking me about her! And she in turn loves meeting people!


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