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Hiking with the Boys


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We're on Day 10 of our Northwest Vacation and the boys have been having a great time. Two days ago they had a nice hike over in the Crater Lake area, looking at waterfalls near Diamond Lake. Today we have been touring the magnificent trees in Redwood National Park.


On the way back to the RV, we stopped at Crescent Beach and they got to play in the surf. Now, we would have thought Packy would be the one to play in the water more, since he's our swimmer and fisherman. Kirby is a little leery of the water yet. Not today! Kirb ran at the surf, barking and biting at it, digging in the sand, throwing it all over the place. He was a muddy, happy mess when we finally left. Packy played some, too, but was much more reserved than we expected. Both boys got a bath when we got back to the RV. Can you believe this campground has a dog bathing station, complete with outlet for a blow dryer??? It sure came in handy today!

We head north to drive along the Oregon coastline tomorrow. No plans; we'll just see where our noses take us!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Great picture! looks like you guys are having lots of fun!


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Looks as if it is a lovely area of the States....................... and it is good that you can appreciate it with the dogs!

My goodness a Dog bathing station! don't think you find those in England!


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Oh that looks like fun! Kirby is all grown up! As you head north, check out Cannon Beach and Ecola State Park. Dogs are allowed at both and Cannon Beach is a beautiful doggy walking paradise! Ecola is free to park after dusk (and cheap during the day) and one of the most beautiful places I've ever watched a sunset. I've attached one of my favorite pictures from there just to give you a taste!


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Glad you and your dogs are having fun in the Northwest. The beaches out here (and really everywhere) are so dog friendly. It's nice.

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Fantastic pictures of 2 fantastic dogs. Hope your journey leads us to more pictures!


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