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whats the limit?

sheila and Misty

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sheila and Misty

we are allowed 4 dogs per home maximum in bethel park pa. if caught with more than that-a 1000 dollar fine is given and you will be forced to give up one of your dogs! how but you guys?

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It varies city or county. I live in Orange Co. FL and you can have 4 pets (I have 2 cairns and 2 kitties) and a husband. Sometimes I think my husband is more of the "livestock" than the 4 furry four leggeds...... In some rural areas you can have 17 (pets,not husbands...).

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I've never heard of this in the UK, my friend has seven dogs and on other forums people have 9 and upwards. I suppose it would stop these people that take pets in and get out of their depth though which would be a good thing.

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KENNEL: A business establishment where six or more dogs, of six months of age

or older, are maintained for boarding, breeding, training or similar purposes whether

or not for a fee or compensation. For purposes of these regulations, any

establishment defined as

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A new pet ordinance was passed here about 2 years ago. The limit is 2 adults. It can be 2 dogs, 2 cats or one of each. More than 2 requires a Kennel permit which is big bucks. Dogs and cats are supposed to have a license for $ 12 a year. A "lifetime" license is available. As a "senior citizen" I got a lifetime one for Renny for around $ 30.

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In Georgia it varies a great deal from County to County and if you live in a within a city limits. In the Atlanta metro area they have very strict limits.

But go 30 miles out and it changes a great deal. The laws they are passing are more related to cruelty than numbers. I like having a city close but I am glad I only visit!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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