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Gourmet Dog Treats


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There's a store in Little Rock called Just Dogs! Gourmet, and it's great. I don't know if anyone else has seen one, but I know it's a franchise. Anyway, it just has lots of toys and fun things for your dogs that you probably couldn't find at PetSmart or any of the major pet store chains. The best part is they have gourmet treats, and they are adorable. They have birthday cakes and cookies, fancy treats, coated pretzel-shaped dog cookies, etc. The best thing I saw was a little hamburger, and a little package of fries. The owner said if I got the combo to make it a Happy Meal, she would throw in a little toy. I loved that. But anyway, we ended up just getting a magnet for my car in the shape of a bone that says "I *heart* my Cairn Terrier" and a couple little treats for Sparky. Here are a couple pictures:



And just for fun, here's a picture of Sparky after he's been running around in wet grass:


Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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After running in the wet grass, Sparky deserves a very cute treat!

We have a Bone Appetite Bakery - same concept. Expensive but fun to do once in a while.

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Oh, he does look such a cute wet one! The treats look good - I have not found anything like that her in England but sure Holly would love em!


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My fiance and I have the same bone magnet on the back of our car! I was so surprised that they had one for Cairns! We have one called "spoiled rotten" and has tiny dog birthday cakes and treats too! This one is private-owned I believe. It is in White Marsh near Baltimore, MD in the sort of "market square". I can never wait to go and check out the new cookies and toys. : )

PS. Sparky looks ultra-cute with the wetness!

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We don't have a place like that around here (that I know of). Wish I did. I've been dealing with Five Star Fido and ordering over the internet. They have a big variety of eco-friendly toys and other stuff and a good variety of organic, natural treats. Ms. Murphy loves their 100% natural bison and angus beef dried treats stuffed in her kong toy. She also loves their organic cookies and I sprtiz her with their natural peppermint and lavendar between bath and bug repellent spray. I have to keep searching for a gourmet doggie place in Georgia. I'd love to get her a cake for a special occasion.

North Georgia, USA

Home to Miss Murphy-Cairn mix-born est. Dec.'07

Joined our family on June 16,'09

Dogs leave pawprints on your heart

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Here in Illinois we have many of those stores. I Manley go to the one all the time for Kramer's food and treats. It basically Carry's grain free foods and treats. There home made doggy bakery carry's all sorts of goodies some wheat free. The toys are unusual and they have a good selection of one of a kind neat stuff. The name is CHEW ON THIS DOG BARKERY. The home made cookies look so good I get hungry looking at them :)

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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  • 4 years later...

I gotta show my grandma this topic she is going to laugh over those treats, lol

Edited by Newman

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