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Drains inspection!


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It has rained a lot today. So we have only had short walks. The rain stopped. Holly decided to go out into garden for needs and I left her there while I was checking emails.

The back door open and I can see her by the step making a noise - so went to see what she was doing.

Holly was pulling and scraping and scraping at the drain hole cover! It has a loose bit where it fits round pipes and she suddenly grabbed that, and went dashing round the garden .................. so I had to chase her and get it off her - she was most reluctant to give up her new toy!

So I put it back into place and she was grabbing it again - another chase! :devil:

So now the hosepipe is coiled up over the cover but still giving space for rain to get in but to stop Holly getting it out! She did have a go again by pushing the hosepipe. Holly looked at me as if saying she was not pleased I had spoiled her game.

Not sure why this interest in the drains system.......................

I could understand if she were a puppy or had no proper toys but she is a Cairn [and not an angel as someone suggested in another thread!]


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And you know if you gave her her own drain hole cover just for her to play with, she wouldn't have anything to do with it LOL. Gotta love em ;)

If you want the best seat in the house, move the dog.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought a drain cover, cut out the bit so it would fit round pipes and put it over the drain yesterday afternoon. Each time she has been outside today she has been trying very hard to push it away so that she can get the loose piece out again! So far she has not suceeded but I am sure she will eventually work out as she seems so determined and interested in the drain!

Holly seems to have a strange fixation with this - makes me wonder if when she lived in the kennels the concrete run had a drain with a cover she could remove and that really was her toy!

But, my back garden is littered with a couple of balls, squeaky bone, rope pull toy etc - and she is not terribly interested in those. Holly prefers the toys she has indoors [which she will lay with in living room but not kitchen!].

Does anyone else have a Cairn with a fascination for drains? :confused1:


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i think they just have an instinct to investigate anything that looks like a burrow, being dogs bred for hunting vermin they seem to be born with the instinct to dig, sniff out burrows and investigate every hole they come across... i don't think there are many badgers, rabbits or rats where i live but we do have wild boar and foxes in the forest and i know Shona goes frantic at anything she finds that looks like a burrow... up in the mountains when i have taken her hillwalking she finds all the marmotte burrows... i keep her on a long leash cos i am sure she'd disappear down a burrow if she could... maybe your dog saw a lizard running down into the drain and is now trying to do her instinctive job and dig it out???

az xxx

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street ones... Napoleon must go upt the drain and sniff and sinff I have to actually pull him away, 'cause I'm afraind he may slip and fall in and I always think, How in the world would I get him out of there, I would have to call the Fire Department or something LOL... he also loves to go under parked cars, not all the way under but like 1/4 of his body... does this every walk...LOL I love him though!! he is such a cutie

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... maybe your dog saw a lizard running down into the drain and is now trying to do her instinctive job and dig it out???

az xxx

If we had lizards round here I would be very worried................................ we are not in an area of England that has those!


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haha!!! Nottinghamshire!!!! makes me laugh now i read where ur from!!! I lived in Nottingham for a few years. (tho i am originally Scottish).. 1994 until 2002... first in Beeston and then in Wollaton.... I'm in the south of france now and we have lizards everywhere!! Give global warming a few years tho and you'll be seeing them every day too!!!

az xxx

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Abby generally has to inspect every storm drain when we are out on a walk. I don't know what she expects to find, but she keeps checking.

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