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How do they know?

sheila and Misty

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sheila and Misty

2nd time those two pulled this on me.-scenario.....in bed FOR THE NITE supposedly 2am. went outside LAST time around 12:30 am

the windws are closed the doors locked the air is on two tvs on and we are Me and the dogs are sleeping in a front room.

Misty wakes me up carrying on like she REALLY has to go out. ok...it happens..so of course when one goes out-so does the other. at nite they do not free roam(even tho our yard is fenced in) too many nite creatures out there ND i WILL NOT BE CAUGHT OFF GUARD BY A 3 AM SKUNK BATH (BEEN THERE DONE THAT ugh!)

so they are put on leaders. they ran out the door sooo fast they almost choked themselves at the end of the line....WHY????? because of a rabbit quietly sitting in the middle of the yard.

How in the wrld did they know that rabbit was there??? any lodgical explainations ? or is it all psychic? I can understand -a noise a scent and seeing something..but come on.

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Mine know when a rabbit enters the city limits. It's pretty amazing. I don't get it either!!

We have a lot in our neighborhood - it's been a very fertile bunny year.

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For my Cairn children, the presence of rabbits is not as exciting as the

"pellets" they leave behind. :sick:

Max and Nelly

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they smelled it. even your air conditioner cannot filter out the smell, they can pick it up. if your air conditioner was running, it was funneling air from the outside inside. once they were outside, they could pick up the direction as well as the presence.

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sheila and Misty
they smelled it. even your air conditioner cannot filter out the smell, they can pick it up. if your air conditioner was running, it was funneling air from the outside inside. once they were outside, they could pick up the direction as well as the presence.

hmmm! I believe your right -I never thought about the recycling air vents! :thumbsup: evn soo-it still amazes me.

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sheila and Misty
For my Cairn children, the presence of rabbits is not as exciting as the

"pellets" they leave behind. :sick:

you know-they do act like an addict jonesin for a fix and yee haa! when they find rabbit then two feet after hit the deer jackpot! tee hee

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