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chasing fireflys - so funny


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Have anyone's dogs noticed fireflys? Totie the other late evening was jumping into the air trying to catch the fireflys and barking at them. It was absolutely the funniest thing to see. I wished I had a video camera that would have captured that.

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We don't have any fireflies, but we have lots of June bugs right now and they are driving Murphy crazy. He thinks it is a game! :D

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LOL my two have done that a few times...but they really do that with all bugs lol...especially lightening bugs

scotty will do the head twist thing to the bugs I guess they are the next best thing to critters


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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No! And I am so surprised! There's a field that I walk Tanner in that is filled with fireflies & he doesn't seem to care at all! I would love to see him play with them & chase them, but I guess the birds that are flying around are much more interesting. :)

Becky & Tanner
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At our house it is moths. Once they are injured and crawling across the floor, Allie will follow them, snuffling and pawing at them. She doesn't try to eat them anymore, though. I think they must be foul-tasting.

T Bone is only interested in things (like school buses!) that are large enough to bark at. Insects don't get much of his attention.

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Bailey saw them the other day and was perplexed...didn't know what he should do with them. He likes to eat the flies although his face makes a YUCK look, but he continues to eat them.

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Xena doesn't care much about lightning bugs, but she thinks June bugs, moths and flies all make a tasty treat. Gack!

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sheila and Misty

mine did once or twice ...but they must taste horrible because otherwise like beetles moths theyd be gone! they spit out the wings on the moth and the legs on the beetles.

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