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Can I cut her hair?


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I was wondering with the heat if I cut her hair short will it damage the hair? Does anyone else cut their dog's hair in the summer?

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I hand strip mine and that works great but this summer I did take thinning shears to her to shorten her legs and body, I thought she would be cooler. It makes it easier to clean her up and check for bugs too. Thinning shears are better so as not to have the lines you get with sissors. A doggie pool helps to cool down after being out in the hot sun.

Use a pumice stone to help your fingers when stripping and you get allot more hair out which really makes them cooler.

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I have tried the pumace stone and you are right. It really does get out more hair. I don't have any thinning shears, will have to check into a set. I strip her everyother day at least if not more. Not full fledge but some. I noticed her hair around the back of her neck and stomach is getting long. Can you just cut it or should I use electric cutter or not?

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Idaho Cairns

Susie, I wouldn't. My experience with cutting the dogs' hair is that it will eventually ruin the course outer coat. We have decided to simply leave our dogs in a natural state, trimming the ears and tails with thinning shears and brushing out the dead hair.

I believe the dogs are more comfortable with a full coat any time of the year--it does insulate from the heat as well as the cold. I trust nature--it Cairns weren't meant to have heavy dual coats, they probably would not have heavy dual coats.

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I have tried the pumace stone and you are right. It really does get out more hair. I don't have any thinning shears, will have to check into a set. I strip her everyother day at least if not more. Not full fledge but some. I noticed her hair around the back of her neck and stomach is getting long. Can you just cut it or should I use electric cutter or not?

Around the stomach area I use thinning scissors as it's very sensitive because the skin in that area is not taut, so it gets pulled along with the hair (ouch!). As to the neck, hair there seems to grow thicker and faster than anywhere else, but you need to pull there regularly to keep it short and in check.

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I wouldn't cut the dogs hair either. I agree with Cairnmania -- I have pulled Bailey's back and sides pretty short and use the thinning shears on his legs and stomach too. This keeps him comfortable for the summer. I am also using the shears for around his neck as it gets pretty long and thick. I am still learning on the face.

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Thank you so much. I was on the verge of cutting it. I used the pumace stone today and pulled and pulled hair that the Mars stripping knife just doesn't get. I found out yesterday to put baby powder on her back where it gets oily real fast then to brush it out real good. Did that today also. But I do need to find some thinning shears.

You guys are the best.

Susie Q

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