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Crazy Dog!


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:D Well, I bought a new mobile phone today [with camera] and was trying to set it up but could not do it because I had a crazy, bouncing, barking, jumping over the furniture, climbing all over me Cairn Terrier!

It is a Samsung and hopefully very good. But it makes "pinging" sounds when you access everything [have not yet found out how to get rid of this!!] and this sound that occurs everytime you press a button is what is driving Holly crazy! Have been trying for over 2 hrs and now given up. :surrender:

So tomorrow, I am shutting her in the kitchen and I will go and sit in car and set the phone up..................... and try camera out[would do now but it is very grey and raining!].

Do any of you find that certain sounds drive your dog absolutely crazy? :devil:

If so how have you dealt with it - I am wondering if I can take the phone back and tell salesman that my dog does not like it!


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Mostly it's Teddy who has the "noise" problem..but I rather think

he enjoys it. I know I just described this somewhere else on the

forum recently, but it's funny and worrh repeating.

1. "You're On Bear" At this point Ted knows the kitchen

trash bag is being replaced, and opening the new one makes

an annoying "SNAP" (annoying to him, and absolutely is done

on purpose by my DH). Teddy bolts to the doggie bed in

the kitchen and starts shaking it to break its neck

2. Bubble Wrap - don't ever pop bubble wrap in Bear's presence.

3. Ask, "Who wants to go outside?" It's time to gear up by barking

incessantly until, and while the sliding glass door is opened,

and continues on the charge Teddy's leading down the outside

stairs and into the yard.

4. Vacuum Cleaner - it is ill advised to run the vacuum cleaner

in Bear's and Sweet Pea's presence.

5. Loud BOOM - All three get worked up over that one.

6. Oh, and Teddy Bear just this minute reminded me that DH

and I can't have a conversation where either one is

laughing too heartily...'cause he knows there's something

suspicious afoot!

7. My DH just reminded me of another one: Teddy Bear knows

the difference between the sound of a soda pop-top or twist-off

being opened and the sound of a beer being opened.

It's never dull at the Wilk household. :lol:

Max and Nelly

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The only noise I've noticed that Molly takes note of is when sounds come out of my computer, like when I'm playing music or a video.

I can play music on the CD player, in the car, anywhere else and she doesn't notice. But when it comes out of my laptop, her eyes bug open and she twists her head to a 45 degree angle. She finds it soooo peculiar! :confused1:

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Let's see.... <_<

the doorbell

the doorbell on Family Guy (other doorbells on the television don't bother him)

typing on the computer keyboard

the vaccuum cleaner is evil :twisted: and must be attacked

Murphy must join in any laughter

seeing other dogs walk by

the trash guys' truck

Oh - and if a dog 4 miles away is thinking about barking sometime in the next week, he'll go nuts

The things that you would think would make him nuts - thunder and fireworks and squirrels - nothing.

I've never had a dog this in tune with atmospherical changes, I mean, the more subtle the noise, the more he freaks out.

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- thunder

- people knocking on the door

- people on television knocking on doors

- flies, gnats, butterflies or angels walking around the house at night

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"So tomorrow, I am shutting her in the kitchen and I will go and sit in car and set the phone up..................... "

That is so funny, I'm laughing and Malcolm is looking at me like "he's gone crazy". You have to go in your car to set up the phone lol. I can see that. Malcolm is always interested in any kind of tool I am using. I have to put him in another room when I work on the plumbing or even get a screwdriver.

Malcolm isn't bothered by noises, even the 4th of July fireworks didn't bother him. But he is always curious about anything in your hand. He must think it is treats or a toy you haven't given to him yet. If I do yardwork I don't dare put down the rake or the weeder tool, if I do it will be gone in a flash.

Well, good luck with the phone.

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Ok, well

Thunder, dogs barking, flies that get into the house(that really drives him over the edge), Fire trucks, hubby and I laughing or talking to loud, air balloons.... thats a few of his favorite things :twisted:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Dogs barking on the Dog Whisperer!

But worse than the barking is the jumping and perching up/begging when Taz hears any plastic bag rustling... It can be the plastic to open batteries or a light bulb and he's thinking FOOD, where's the FOOD?! :lol:

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the ice dispenser on the fridge! okay it is actually really loud but it scares paisley to death!! she was eating her lunch today when my mom got some ice and probably jumped back about 5 feet...poor thing...she got over it pretty quick and went back to eating.

otherwise, nothing bothers her! it thundered really loud last night and it didnt phase her..thank goodness :thumbsup:

**Ila and Paisley**
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glad to say have found out how to get rid of key sounds on phone!! and I didn't in end shut myself in car to do so! but she sure goes crazy with any sounds like that......................... she also goes mad if dogs bark/whine etc on computer when looking at youtube or similar but the TV now does not bother her!

In fact she is not keen on any sounds my laptop makes. I think the high pitched sounds affect her most.

Went this afternoon to friend with Irish Terrier and was showing her phone with sound effects - Holly went crazy but Paddy the Irish could not work out what Holly was going mad about but joined in the barking anyway! So quickly got rid of the sounds again!


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