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Paisley is home, and she is doing amazing! No accidents and only woke me up twice during the night to go out. I am amazed how fast she is picking up potty training. She is also eating very well and drinking plenty of water. She's getting lots of love and loves her toys! Her mom was not really paying any attention to the litter anymore because it was a larger sized litter (our previous lab used to hide on top of her doghouse from her puppies haha). So she is pretty used to mom not really being around, which I think helped with the lack of nighttime whining last night. I am taking care to really enforce no biting and no chewing. She has been pretty good about both so far. Her little tail just wags constantly :) Here are some pictures!

Paisley 1

Paisley 2

Paisley 3

**Ila and Paisley**
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Awwwwwwwwwwwww! She is adorable! Congratulations and enjoy her!

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So cute!!!!! my baby is 5 months, we are having a blast with Dixie. There is never a dull moment You are going to have many years to enjoy Paisley, Cairns are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Awww how adorable. The third photo really shows her sweet little face withthose ears straight up! :thumbsup: Enjoy your little princess

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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yea that one ear keeps going up and down. it just cant decide! shes definitely teething so thats probably the reason. im sure itll go up one day again! im so in love already and its the end of day 2! :kiss: she just went night night...ill be up again in a few hours!

**Ila and Paisley**
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What a sweetie! I love the name, too. Paisley was my choice for a name if we got a girl.

Shelley, Angus and Mickey in Seattle

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Those pics make me so impatient for the day we pick up ours! That last one was so precious! Hope they decide to both stay up! lol. Congrats and good luck! Shes a cutie!

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Day 6! still going well with the pottying. paisley has had a few accidents but never in her crate and she usually sleeps most of the night from 11:30 to 5:30! only 2 nights have i had to get up during the night. the biting is pretty bad, but we are all trying our best to tell her 'no bite' and give her a toy instead. it is almost impossible to ignore her and not move when she does it because those teeth are so sharp!!! anyway, she loves toys and i thought id just show everyone a few cute new pictures! shes the love of my life :wub:


Paisley Hiding!

**Ila and Paisley**
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Paisley is so adorable, thanks for the pictures. I know what you mean about the biting. My hands were black and blue before Malcolm stopped chewing on them.

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Oh, I do remember those under-the-furniture days! So cute. Then one day, Allie just couldn't fit in any more! Enjoy Paisley while she is little - they grow SOOOOo fast.

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