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Introducing our pup (and cat), And a walking question


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Me and my girlfriend have a wonderful Cairn, Riley who's 6 months old, and a Himalayan cat, Leo who's just about 3. They get along very well! Anyway, our main question is, how much should a cairn walk in any given day? My girlfriend has only had Huskies, and well... They need to run/walk much more. We have gone on a few 4-5 mile walks, but i feel these may be too much for her.

And now to leave you with some pictures

The both of them hanging out on the bed


At my parents house


Nap Time


First time at the Park (this was before i stripped her)


The both of them looking to play


And Lastly, this is the effect Leo has on Riley ha


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sorry if this is in the wrong section, after reading a bit more on here it might be, feel free to move it

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What a gorgeous cat! and Riley is beautiful...................... the last picture is so funny!

I am nder impression from folk who have had pups that you should not walk them for long periods/distances until they are over 12 mths of age so that the bones have finished growing. I am sure someone else will come along and verify that [or not!].


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What wonderful pictures. We've taken Cairns on 4-5 mile hikes on occasion. But that

was when they were younger. At Olie who is 8, Teddy 6, andSweetPea 6, respectively I'd be reluctant to do so.

During the summer, here in Maryland, it's actually almost too much to

do 1 mile because of the heat. I had to turn around early and go home

yesterday after a quarter of a mile; everyone was panting heavily.

By the way, welcome aboard!

Max and Nelly

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We walk our dogs each morning, while it is still cool for about 20 minutes on weekdays - and about double that in the evenings. We walk to a river nearby so the dogs get to stop midway for a break. But if it its exceptionally hot or humid we stay inside or play in the sprinklers. I am not a hot-weather gal.... and if I'm uncomfortable I know the dogs will be also!

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Idaho Cairns

A young healthy Cairn is probably capable of 4-5 mile walks daily, depending on the heat but I'm more comfortable with half that. It depends on the walks, many of our walks are off leash and the dogs are constantly casting back and forth, playing, and investigating so they get much more mileage on them than we do. I think you can tell with the guys if you overdo the length--they will let you know when enough is enough.

Nice looking dog--I especially like that cornered eye shot of pup and the cat--love it when they do that!

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I have a pup, 6mo. now. When he was younger, 4mo. or so, he really couldn't walk that far. Even short walks around the neighborhood were a little too much. We started to increase distance steadily over time. Now our typical walk is a 2mi. loop at the park. Depending on the weather, this is sometimes a little too much. Now that it is summer - and HOT! here in the south - we have to walk either early in the morning or late in the evening if we wish to make any great distances. Sometimes we do the 2mi. walk in the afternoon but take lots of breaks to sit in the shade, lay in puddles and otherwise goof off and eat bugs. However, usually one day a week we take a good 4-5mi. hike in the woods to play in some water, find some good sticks, and climb mountains; just a little bit of shade makes all the difference.

It seems like he is just willing to go and go and go; I can't push him too far. Then when we get home, he crashes (we both do) and there's a blissful silence for at least an hour! But, when we're out walking and he gets tired and has had enough, he lets me know - often by just laying down in the trail. Usually a short break is good enough to get our energy back to head home.

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Kooper just turned 1. Our walks consisted of just around the block when he was a pup, then gradually increased as he got older. We walk about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes now. today we went hiking at one of our state parks and my Golden and I petered out WAY before Kooper, he was still ready to go after hiking for 2 hours straight.....So far there has not been a walk or hike he has tired out on, he will go, go, go.

As far as the cats-I have 3, and he adores them all in different ways (one from afar, one in high speed ambushes and the other is his playmate)

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