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Still shaking!

Autumn & Lola

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Let me preface this with saying I don't have any children, nor do any children come to my house (I live 1100 miles away from my family). So there are certain things I'm just not in the habit of doing.

My last dog, Mandy was an older, sickly toy poodle/terrier mix who never jumped and wasn't mischievous at all. She could be trusted not to do anything that would endanger her health or safety. She was a quiet lapdog.

Enter Molly, the Cairn we've had for 3 months. I very quickly learned to put things away, lock things up, put things on high shelves if I even suspected she'd take an interest in getting to them. I also realized about a month ago how high she can jump. Still, old habits die hard.

Tonight I was cooking Italian sausages in a heavy frying pan, and next to it was a pot of boiling water for pasta. I had my back turned to the stove, as I was washing baby spinach in the sink. I heard a small noise behind me and turned. Molly was jumping in front of the stove and her paws touched the handle of the frying pan, which was extended over the stove. The frying pan moved about an inch (electric stove so no flame). I screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and she ran away and cowered under the dining room table. It took me a long time to calm down. All I could picture is my beautiful girl covered in boiling hot grease!

I'm really not trying to be dramatic, but it scared me so very much and I cursed myself for being so damn stupid as to not have turned the handle. I just wanted to post this for new Cairn owners who might not yet have recognized how far these little darlings will go to satisfy their curiousity, or how high they can jump. Thank heavens for Molly and me, the pan was very heavy and I was just a couple feet away.

*still shaken*


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Thank goodness neither you or Molly were injured! I think we all have had scary scary :oops: moments like you and Molly had. One thing for sure it makes you hyper vigilent .... I am terried that my husband will leave a chocolate bar on the table or I will leave an avocado lying around! I dont have children either, and it amazes me how parents stay sane!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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You have to watch these little boogars ever minute. Mine are 3 and 2 now and it has gotten a lot better. Your dinner sounded really good. Hope you were able to enjoy it!

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I've been the proud owner of several dogs the past 40 years. Booker is my first cairn terrier, and believe me when I say he acts like a human being. My entire house is child proof because of this little boy.............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Wow, Autumn! I am so glad it was just a close call for you and Molly (love her name!). I am constantly turning the handles away from the edge when my husband cooks. The other day, he left a popsicle stick on the coffee table and the next thing I heard was Murphy chomping down on it. He ate only a little piece and it has since passed. But, gosh it scared me. Today, while out in the yard with me, Murphy stepped on a red wasp and was stung. He screamed so loudly that it shattered my heart. We made a fast trip to the vet's and he was fine. He is such a darling little busybody.

We all have to carefully watch over our little Cairn Toddlers...er...Terriers! :innocent:


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that was a scary one. yes, cairns will make you aware of dangers you never noticed before, and make you train yourself to do strange things like make sure pot handles are never dangling over the edge. they are exactly like toddlers and will try anything at least once if it looks like fun. glad it turned out all right.

molly is still a baby. it won't always be as horrifying as all this. believe it or not, most cairns do become passably sensible after a while. but it takes time.

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I'm so glad Molly is ok. Yep that was a close call. These dogs do get into everything just like a little kid. Malcolm surprised me the other day. He came out of the bathroom with that "trouble trot", a frisky prance with the tail wagging. I knew he had something he shouldn't have and he knew it too lol. So I went into the bathroom to look and discovered he had run off with the bar of bathsoap. I yelled "DROP IT" and heard something fall on the kitchen floor. I go in the kitchen and there is the bar of soap on the floor and a most innocent looking Cairn sitting there. Sometimes he will "drop it" and sometimes he won't, so this time he was being a very good boy. He got a couple treats and lots of praise. I'm so glad he didn't eat the soap.

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Hi Autumn,

God knows I know what you are feeling..

I also dont have children but I think my house is child proof now with my 2 cairn terriers.

I am always trying to see where the danger can be... like the handles over the edge

My husban thinks that I am exagerating sometimes but he is wrong, when he cooks he is less carefull than me and I always have to take a look what it is going on in the kitchen

Also an advise, when you have a knife in your hand and you have to take it from one side of the kitchen to the other, never take it hanging down, keep it as high as possible, that is a danger that I have seen before something actually happen

They just jump for everything you have in the hands


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When my kids were little I did everything I could to prevent anything happening. Even from them getting in trouble. There are some people who think kids should be taught self control, and won't put a lot of things up. Not me. It keeps everyone safe, happy and sane if things are put up, tucked away, pushed a little further back. I do the same thing with Louie and it's usually because a kid forgot to do something. I've seen Louie many times, stand up on his hind legs and bend his head in an awkward angle to get an errant noodle from a plate on the edge of the table. Imagine what he'd do for a chicken bone you know? They are just like kids, and it always amazes me that they have such curious little minds.

Today, I caught Louie with a syringe (no needle) I used to give the new kitten some meds. It was on the table and too close to the edge. Luckily it wasn't anything dangerous for him, but geeze. What makes a plastic syringe something he'd go after you know? Even if it seems like it wouldn't be an interest, it is!

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That was enough of a close call to scare anyone! It made me think of an incident in the back yard this week. We had a gopher snake. Large and harmless, the ones in this area do an amazing impression of rattle snakes, also indigineous to this area. Well, although we often tease Leo about not having two IQ points to rub together he was smart and stayed back 15 feet from the coiled snake and just gave the alarm bark so I would come outside. Not Cassie, as soon as she saw me trying to move the snake over the fence she jumped right into the fray and lunged repeatedly at the snake which was coiled, hissing and striking. She took a hit on the shoulder which did not hurt her, but if it had been a rattlesnake, she'd be dead. Honestly I am thinking of getting her the venom vaccination now.

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I'm so glad you & Molly both are ok. That had to be be so scarey, I would be be shakin for days. Thank goodness all is ok and no one was injured. Give Molly a hug from Kramer & I

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Thank you all for your comforting words, and for sharing your own stories. I am much calmer now, but the incident will not be forgotten for a long time.

I was especially mad at myself because I take (or at least I thought) great care in maintaining a safe home for Molly. I am always on my husband to not leave things on the edges of tables, etc.

My late dog, as I mentioned in my previous post, was very sedate. I could have sat her in the middle of a room full of broken glass and mousetraps, and she would have calmly found a way out without a scratch. LOL!

To make matters worse, the following day after the near mishap with the frying pan, she was lying behind me as I did the dishes, and I accidently stepped on her tail. I'm just feeling like the worst Mommy in the world this week!

I just know when I go to the pet store tomorrow for kibble, I'll probably end up with a cart full of bully sticks, treats and toys. Molly won't know why, but she'll sure be happy. :)

Thank you all again for your kind words.

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So glad Molly OK. Yes, Holly has a habit of lying/sitting right behind my feet when I am cooking/washing up etc. Have nearly trodden on her several times so you would think she would learn! But our Cairns loves to be close to you!


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sheila and Misty

whew! close call! but I will bet you will NEVER forget to turn in the handle and Molly will NEVER forget to not jump up there. Hard way to learn it but you both learned something that day....glad your both ok

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