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We are headed for the Redwoods!


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I've been jealous of those beach pictures and I didn't get enough beach time in Oregon so we're packing up and going to Trinidad. I'm checking out the places where dogs are allowed right now. We'll be camping and taking our two cairns with us like some kind of traveling circus. It will be so much cooler for walks and outdoor activities than here next week. Have fun and check back with you all later.

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Hey, we're heading in that direction next week, too! I doubt if we'll make it until the week after though, since we're stopping in Denver to see a nephew on the way, then have to pick up our RV in Salt Lake City. We'll be lucky to hit Oregon by the 20th or 21st. Be sure to post if you find fun things to do with your Cairns. We'll have Packy & Kirby along, too, so we'll be another "traveling circus!"

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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It was so lovely and cool but we are back in the heat, dirty and tired. I think we will head up to Oregon the first week of August to see Crater Lake. These dogs love camping. A lady at our campground said her friend Karen who lives in Phoenix does Cairn rescue so she has met a few cairns through her. Our furkids were very well behaved. Good campground for dogs is Emerald Forest (in the RV sites). Good beach for dogs is Big Lagoon County Park. Also nice is Trinidad State Beach right in Trinidad. The best place to camp is Patrick's Point if you can get in, but no dogs are allowed on their beach or trails, just campgrounds and roads. The fog and mist and clouds help too, if you want to leave the dogs in the car for an hour to explore then they don't roast. Gotta go unpack. Happy trails to cairns on the road this Summer!

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We were just at Crater Lake and had a great stay at Diamond Lake RV Resort. If you're tent camping, that worn't work for you but ifyou're in an RV, it's a great place. There's also lots of tent and RV camping all around Diamond Lake, which isn't too far from Crater Lake. Diamond Lake also has a really nice bike/hike paved trail all around it.

We'll take a look at the places listed in Oregon. Our boys are having a great time so far and love camping, too!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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