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I've not been here in a while. When Booker became part of my household, I was posting all the time with questions starting when he was 4 months old. He'll be 5 in December.

Last night I applied advantix between his shoulders as directed. He never attempted to wipe it off like he did with Frontline. He started acting weird. I couldn't get him to sit still or lie down, constantly pacing around the outskirts of every room. This went on from 7:00 until 1:30 AM when I finally put him in his kennel (he always sleeps on my bed, but he wouldn't stay).

Has anyone had problems with this type of pest control?



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I'm very surprised no one has responded to my topic. If anyone had this problem with their cairn, please let me know so I will not use this stuff again........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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I have not used Advantix, but I have read on other forums of some dogs having adverse reactions to some topicals, but these were usually cheap ones. I don't have any personal experience though, sorry. I'd keep an eye on him and check his skin for irritation or any other abnormal behavior.

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We had a cairn with chemical sensitivity that would have seizures if any kind of flea or tick treatment was used on him or if the pest control folks sprayed our house. He lived to a ripe old age once we figured out the problem. It was tough though because he was allergic to fleas too.

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No problems at all with Advantix here. He may just have been annoyed you put wet, oily stuff between his shoulder blades again! If he was having an allergic reaction it would not have happened so quickly.

Next time, put the Advantix (or Frontline, or whatever) on him and distract him immediately with something he cannot resist. Either food, or a game, or a walk. If he does act weird following the distraction then you can both relax.

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No problems at all with Advantix here. He may just have been annoyed you put wet, oily stuff between his shoulder blades again! If he was having an allergic reaction it would not have happened so quickly.

Next time, put the Advantix (or Frontline, or whatever) on him and distract him immediately with something he cannot resist. Either food, or a game, or a walk. If he does act weird following the distraction then you can both relax.

Of course, I meant if he does NOT act wierd following the distraction.

You could also experiment .. take an eye dropper or something similar, fill it with room temperature liquid, and apply it as you would flea treatment. If he acts wierd with that ... you know for sure it is just that, an act.

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I've never had this problem with any flea and tick products, but I do recall a few years ago there was another poster who reported similar problems with her Cairn (I think she used Frontline).

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Hi Jan,

Yes, people are having problems with this type of pest control. Earlier this year, the EPA announced it is investigating all "spot on" flea and tick products due to a recent increase in adverse reactions.

On 5/26/09. Kramersmom started a thread under the Behavior and Health forum entitled "Consumer Alert "Spot on" flea and tick". If you go to the middle of her post and click on the link after "For more information..." you will see that Advantix is on the list as well as Frontline. Because of the recent increase in reported adverse reactions to these products, and the fact that my Cairn and Labrador have skin allergies, my husband and I are looking at alternative methods of controlling fleas and ticks.

By the way, I would report this reaction to the vet just to be on the safe side.


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