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Stripping by Hand vs Groomer


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I have a couple questions concerning Cairn grooming. This is our first Cairn and he is about 20 weeks. His eyebrows are starting to get quite long as is his back. I've read about hand stripping and the Mars Coast King stripper. How often do you need to strip their coat? Is my puppy too young? Is using the Mars Coat King Stripper better then going to a groomer? Thank you in advance for your help!

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My opinion, the best option is hand stripping (pulling the long hairs by hand or with the help of a stripping knife), second choice using the Mars Coat King (it pulls some but also cuts some), third the groomer (because 99% of the groomers are going to just cut with clippers) Also of the groomers, some of them will give you something looking like a Cairn, but alot will make him look like a Westie or Schnauzer. I prefer to work on my dogs each week, just getting the longest hairs off, that way it doesn't take too long and I get to check them over carefully for any lumps, matts, etc. No he isn't too young to start.

MACH3 Red Lion Springin Miss Macho CDX RAE OF ME
Marquee Cairnoch Glintofmacho CD RE MX MXJ OF ME

Glenmore Hjour Summer Sun


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