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Vote for my dogs please


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Hello everbody,

I would like to ask you to vote for my dogs.

I am from Australia and I have registered my dogs in this website www.votemypet.com.au

If they win, they will be the face of that pet product.

My both dogs are Cairn Terriers and they are the love of my life, if you like my dogs, can you please vote for them ?

Cairn Terriers are not very known in Australia, so I would like them to be famous :D

This is my boy Monchito

This is my girl Pillina



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the pictures on the beach were cute! :D


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Thank you very much to everybody!!

I really appreciate the help!! :thumbsup:

If the link I provided does not work. Please go to Vote my pet and do a search for Monchito and Pillina.


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The first time I tried to vote, a code popped up and nothing happened. Then I searched the website and found the dogs but there was no place to register a vote. Can you explain how to do this? I would really like to vote for you.

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Hello again!

1) Please go to Vote for my pet and do a search for Monchito and Pillina.

2) You get the search results.

3) Please click on the photo of the dog.

4) You get to see the profile of the dog and next to the photo there is a blue button where you register your vote.

I hope It helps!

Thanks again for all the help!!!


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:offtopic: Wow someone else in Perth who has cairn terriers! I don't come across other owners very often, actually I'm even surprised if someone even knows what my girls are.

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Hi OzGirl!

YES, I know the feeling.

When people see my dogs they think they are Westies with something else...

Everytime we are stop by people asking which breed they are

We are thinking about carrying around a little sign "we are CAIRN TERRIERS" :D

Thanks everybody for your support!


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