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Heatwave in England


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It is very hot here this week. Holly does not want to walk particularly - so take a short walk early morning and late evening. Not getting so much exercise but is has not affected her appetite! I have been careful to make sure she has plenty of water if I have gone out and left her in kitchen and have only taken her a very short journey in car and I would not leave her in the car at all. She does however go and lie in sun then pant like mad so I go out and shift her! :confused1:

Horrified this morning by this item on news!


would think Police would know better. However, it at least will act as a reminder to other dogowners about what to do in heat..................... having said that I have just seen someone walking a boxer past here that was panting like mad!


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That's awful! I can't believe that people still don't understand the dangers of a hot car. Every summer we hear of animals and children dying in cars. This is just common sense...isn't it. Hope your heatwave ends soon and Holly can get back out on her walks.

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In the last few months 2 babies died in their Parent's car here in Portugal and one asks oneself "How is that possible". In both cases the Fathers forgot

their babies and it all happened in only a few hours.

SO.........it is quite hot here too and I have to get up early in the morning to give Paco some excersize. I am taking a small water bottle from the

fridge with me and when he starts panting we both have a drink of cool water. Even though I don

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We had this tragic story about a year and a half ago http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/story/95043 and notice the line near the end of the story that notes still fewer dogs are left in cars than babies. On the day back in '07 this happened it was 109 degrees, today it read 103 at 2:30 according to my car. Our overnight temperatures usually hang around 100, so at 10pm when this officer left his 'partner' in the car it would have still been very hot by anyones standards. There was alot of debate here over what should happen to the officer and it was a hot botton issue for a long time because the investigation went on for some time. I cannot understand how anyone can leave a baby or a pet in a car during summertime at all no matter what. We have stories like this one all the time here in Arizona cause it gets what most people call hot (80-90 degrees) very early on (sometimes as early as February) and stays that way till Halloween (some years even till November). It makes me very mad to hear about these kinds of things.

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These stories make me so mad! It's unforgiveable.

Josie, keep cool and try ice cubes for Hollie to play with. Some dogs love them.

Greetings from another HOT SPOT! :shy:

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Well today the weather has been cooler and we had very very very heavy rain! So we had a wet walk this afternoon..................... and are going for another walk shortly hoping to get back before another rain shower!

Yes Taz - Holly likes icecubes........................ she does not like the tower fan - when I put it on she goes in other room!

However, as it has been cooler it has been more comfortable in the house and the garden in damp now so she is not keen on lying down on the grass!

There has been a lot of condemnation of the police dog incident another another English doggy forum.

Rather glad I do not live somehere like some of you whre it is very hot for months and months not just days! I would not be able to cope - never mind the dog!

ps since posting that the rain has gone and the sun come out and temperature gone up!! but it is supposed to be getting cooler..................


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Hi Jetti,

I think it is fine to rub his chest and belly with cool water - not cold, as it might cause shock, I would think? But I've often wet my dogs with cool water when it's very hot and they seem to love it.

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Hi Autum&Molly,

I am glad to find out that it is ok to wet him.....He has been very much under the weater lately and


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