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Now We Are Seven


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Oops ... I was out of town this weekend and lost track of the date. I missed Cairn Talk's birthday :confused:

Cairn Talk in the current configuration was opened on June 29, 2002. So now we are seven. :cake:

I want to thank everyone who contributes, who has contributed, and who will contribute :) Thanks for showing up, thanks for not tearing down the house :w00t: and thanks for helping each other out. We've had good times, bad times, but always: Cairn times.

Cheers! :party:

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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And thanks to you, Brad. Without you, we wouldn't be here!! Our own Cairn family has only been on board since '06, but I can't tell you how much help the Forum has been with our furkids, and how much we enjoy everyone's stories & photos. It's been wonderful to meet so many great people, and to be able to share their happiness, and their problems too. Here's to many more years on the Forum!! :beer:

Jim & Connie, and Bailey & Sophie

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Congrats, Cairn Talk!

I've only been here a few months but I've learned a lot in that short time.

I do a LOT of research on a daily basis on a variety of topics, but I've always thought you learn far more from interacting with people with direct experience to the topic. I've learned more here about Cairns in a couple months than I could have in a year of reading.

Thanks to Brad and to all!

Autumn & Molly

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I second what Autumn and Molly said. I've only been here a few months and have learned a lot about this strange little creature that has taken over my home. I'm still not sure these Cairns aren't aliens from outer space sent to destroy the earth.

Thank you very much Brad, and all the other experienced owners.

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sheila and Misty

wow! anything that can last more than a year or two without going out of style is surely a keeper! great job Brad.!

and happy seventh cairn forum! :thumbsup::magic:

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Congrats on this great forum, Brad! I've been scarce, but not because I want to be. My Cairn girls are the light of my life and I could never see living w/o them. I'm so glad I found this forum back when we were getting our 3rd Cairn over 5 yrs ago. I have met some wonderful people here that I continue to share a friendship with. I also miss a few that I cared deeply for and hope they're ok. You are loved as our moderator! Thanks for giving us this forum.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I think the Forum is wonderful too! Having a adult Cairn only 11 mths[and being my first dog] now I have really appreciated the advice and stories on here and the ability to get to know people in other parts of world who share the love of these wonderful dogs.

May the Forum go on and thank you Bradl for "controlling" it!

Cairngratulations Cairn talk! :cake:


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I too have only been part of the forum for a short time but have really enjoyed this common bond we all have for our Cairns. Even tho I have been a cairn mom for many years I still am learning from this forum.

Thank you Brad for your dedication and to all the others for making this work! Congratulations Cairn Talks!!

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I'm so grateful this forum exists and that so many wonderful people

(where people include humans and Cairns) participate.

It's rewarding to be part of the Cairn Talk family.

Special thanks to Brad for taking care of us.

The Wilk Pack

Max and Nelly

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Lucky seven! And I was certainly lucky to find Cairn Talk. It's been so helpful in working with T Bone, who turned out to be a challenging rescue with a true cairn attitude and a lot of bluster. And, if I'm having a down day or a bad day at work, I check in and look for pictures of dogs and puppies. A true antidote!

Thanks, Brad, for giving us this opportunity to belong to a community of cairn terrier people. They are all as wonderful as their dogs.

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Thanks Brad for all you help too - I don't post that ofter, but I look everyday. BTW you helped me out when Tucker ate a button - you were the first one to respond.....thank you.

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I don't think it's an overstatement to say that this forum has improved the lives of dogs everywhere. It is good work and worth it.

Every poster that has posted positively made it happen. Thank you Brad, little furry lives would show their appreciation if they could, so I'm saying it for them.

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Happy 7th birthday. Thank you all and specially brad for making the world a better place for Cairns and their owners

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Thank you Brad for CTF, and thank you all you folks out there owned by Cairn terriers.

Happy Birthday CTF.


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Yay for CTF and Cairns! I too extend my sincerest appreciation to Brad for all your hard work!

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I love this forum, it is so much fun and brought me many good friends! Thanks to everyone who posts and many thanks to Brad for keeping the site protected and safe!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I agree this is a great forum, since finding this site I've so enjoyed reading about everyone's furbaby...............I have also learned alot about the health and the training of our sweet little cairns........................Thanks Brad!!!

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Just got back from Florida visiting my sister and family, so I'm a tad late. Thank you Brad for making this forum possable and run so smooth.

This is the best forum around. Thanks again to every member as well for making living with Cairns very educational and fun!

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Happy 7th Birthday!

I've found this forum so helpful! I lurked for quite a while as I pondered adding a Cairn to our family, and have had great delight in reading about everyones dogs.Whenever I've had questions, the members have been so supportive and helpful. You have my gratitude and thanks for operating such a wonderful site!

Snicker...have to add, when I read "now we are seven" I though - good heavens! He's gotten a seventh dog??! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I haven't been on here for quite some time and it turns out you started Cairn Talk right before I got my two cairns. I just loved reading all the stories and questions. Different people on now, but I recognize Tuckersmom, I think. Does anyone know how "Hellion" is doing? Those stories made my day. Happy 7th! (Might be getting my 3rd cairn! Can't stop!)

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I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've gotten more valuable info on this site than from any other resource, (including my Vet's, who I also value). I was a new cairn owner when I found this forum 4 years ago. My cairn and I both have benefitted from the wisdom and good cheer of all the members here. Boundless admiration, appreciation & thanks to Brad for creating this site! Looking forward to 7 more (dog) years!


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