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Naming my puppy!


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I am picking up my first Cairn on July 11. I am so excited!!! After having my Maltese pass away after 11 years in May, I immediately knew I couldn't live without another little dog around. I am excited to have a girl dog this time! Although Maltese look like little lap dogs, Magic definitely was NOT one..so I am definitely prepared for the energy and fun that will come with my new baby! I just can't think of a name...she has a black face, tail, and feet right now, with a more silvery body. I hope she stays this darker color. I have tried to put pictures...any suggestions?? :D

My list:


Cinderella (Cinder)









**Ila and Paisley**
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Welcome and congratulations on your new cairn, she is adorable. Sorry for your loss it's alway difficult. I like Emmie or Cinder...very cute names. Cinder may fit her coloring.

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Emma or em for short.

Colorwise- Sable.

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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So sorry to hear of your loss of Magic.

The puppy is adorable! I like "Emmie" and "Piper" although "Cinder" would fit her coloring. :)

Becky & Tanner
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Wishing you much love and happiness with your new cutie...I like your choices, but I'll cast my vote for "Emmie"


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So sorry for your loss. I'm glad you're getting a new Cairn child..she looks so

beautiful. You might want to wait to name her until you get her home and

see what her personality is like before naming her. That's how my Shadow (at Rainbow Bridge

these many years) got his name. He basically stuck to me like my shadow.

Just a thought...and welcome to the forum.!

Max and Nelly

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Idaho Cairns

I like your choices. My daughter has a Cairn that looked a bunch like your little girl that she named "Pooka" which is a "mischievous spirit" in Irish lore and that name absolutely fit the breed and the particular dog. It is neat to see one of those little gray-black puppies again.

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sheila and Misty

soooooooo sweeeet! she looks like an Emmie or Cinder to me. but then all names are good if you look in their eyes and it fits! I know someone that named their 3lb yorkie Beanie-(after the beanie babies) and she was soo small it fit perfect!

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so I ditched all my name choices. :blush: i've decided to name her Paisley...after my favorite singer ever (Brad Paisley) Hope yall like it! I can't wait for Saturday, ill post pics ASAP!!! :D :D :D :D

**Ila and Paisley**
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Paisley is an excellent choice and is so unique. We adopted a boy we named Murphy, but had we adopted a girl I was going to name her Maddy Rose (short for Madison Rose). Murphy's full name is "Murphy's Little Bit O' Romance".

Cairngratulations on your sweet Paisley girl!!


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What a cutie!!! I have an older cat named Luna so I'm a little partial. Paisley sounds terrific! She looks like a "paisley" girl. : ) I get my little boy in early Sept, his name will be Gretsch, after my favorite drum set. My fiance and I have been talking about him like he's already here!


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Paisley is cute & unique as well. We are partial to Emmie & Cinder. Our little female is named Emmy (after Auntie Em) & Sherry had a dog named Cinder when she was a kid.

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Paisley is perfect. I always say its the name that just comes to you that is best. Bogart was named after Humphrey Bogart because as a puppy he was really dark in color, and was kind of a loner, but strong willed. Lily was tougher...I had her a few days before she attacked a flower...and I thought it'd be funny to name her after a dainty little flower when she is anything but dainty!

Can't wait to see pictures...puppies are just sooo precious!!!

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