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My favorite age with kids is the toddler age...


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Luckily, having a Cairn is like having a toddler all the time!! :twisted:

We went to a friends house, and he was all over the place. Looking here, looking there, climbing on things, digging in the baby's toy box, agravating the older dog. Just a big ball of furious energy. You can't get mad though because he's so cute!!

I hear him in there now, getting in trouble with my five year old in the laundry room. The door is open and all I hear is digging around from those two. Maybe I need to go and check to see what they're doing. :lol:

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I know - these dogs are really nosy! Holly takes me up garden paths to meet people who are doing some gardening regularly when out walking! and she loves to look what people have in shopping bags when I pass them at bus stop.

And indoors, well she likes to pull towels or tea towels of hooks and play with them.

Just like having a child - you have to keep an eye on what they are doing!


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We actually refer to Murphy, our Cairn, as "The Toddler". Like a toddler, he gets into anything and everything he shouldn't, but also just loves being cuddled. :innocent:

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I hear him in there now, getting in trouble with my five year old in the laundry room. The door is open and all I hear is digging around from those two. Maybe I need to go and check to see what they're doing. :lol:

I hate to say it but it's worse when things are tooo quiet. Then there is trouble abounding! :D

Max and Nelly

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