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Grooming question?


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I took Holly to be handstripped at this very nice groomer I found.

Arrived back to find her still "doing" Holly. She had partly handstripped and then she used a stripping knife. What she was doing with stripping knife did not look difficult and wondered about trying it myself. Thought I may be able to save money. I also intend going to the Cairn Club open day in September again and arriving in time for grooming/stripping demonstrations.

However, I notice most of you just mention "hand" stripping so does that mean you don't use one of these knives?

The finnished result is nice - she still has a slightly scruffy look. Debbie used thinning scissors on her legs/bum/face/belly so thought I may get some so as to keep her legs etc tidier.


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The trick with the stripping knife is to not turn, or break, your wrist. Keep the wrist straight, and pull with the whole forearm, letting only the elbow or shoulder joint move. If you do this, you will see that the stripping knife is actually holding, and pulling out the longer hairs, not cutting them. Used correctly the stripping knife is just another way to hold onto the hair as you pull it out.

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Yes, I use the knife as an "extension for my fingers".

It makes the process a lot easier for me and my dogs don't mind it at all. Max actually wants to lay down and rest while I'm stripping him.

The only time I "hand strip" is when they are sitting on my lap and I just pick here and there but when it's grooming table time, I have my knife in hand to help. My thumb rests against the blade and the fur to help me strip.

Miya is due to be stripped, I should try and get pictures when I get her on the table.



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I just cannot get the hang of using a stripping knife so I keep to using gloves, like surgeons use and I am doing

more or less ok. It is tireing though!

Since Paco suffers from the heat, I "did" him quite short about 6 weeks ago but Boy his coat grows like crazy. At

this point I think his undercoat should be thinner but I have no idea how to go about it. Brushing does not help

and I am afraid to use the Mars King Coat because it does cut a little and his coat is coming out very nicely, so

I do not want to ruin it.

Beautifull hair structure, getting thicker with age (2years). Yes, he definitely looks handsome and I get a lot of

compliments on the way he looks. It seems as if people who don

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Congrats on doing your own grooming and seeing the benefits. I like the grip that latex gloves provide, but I can't use them for very long at all. Instead I use finger cots - which are like the finger-ends of the gloves.


Unlike the picture, I just use two - on my thumb and index finger. I buy them by the boxful at an industrial supply store, but I also see them at the drug store (chemist) in the first-aid section.

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I hand strip Louie by hand since they're free. :lol: I do the twice a year, all round, strip to his undies. I love it. I'm a picker by nature, and this really is a lot of fun for me. I'll sit for hours in front of the TV and yank and yank. Louie is ok with it for the most part. So far we've had two long sessions. Once in January and again in May. If I see something off, I'll pluck it, and occcasionally "roll the coat". I use thinning shears on his face because no matter how how I try, the fur on his cheeks refuse to be removed. Then they hang and I don't like the way it looks.

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Hi Sandy, you just made me discover why his hair "hangs" at his cheeks but was afraid to take away too

much so he is in for a plucking session tomorrow. :thumbsup: Difficult, those heads!! but slowly I am getting

the hang of it

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