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The hiking Cairn


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Yesterday Maxwell climbed his first mountain. I was so proud. When I was looking at dogs and decided to get a Cairn, one of the main reasons was that I wanted a dog I could take on the trail with me. Man did I pick a good partner! Maxwell handled all of the rocks, streams, and fallen logs with precision, just like a pro. I was worried some of the rocks and fallen trees might be a bit too big for him - 3 to 4 times his size - but he just hopped right on top of them.

We hiked up the mountain to the overlook, and Maxwell walked right up to the edge and peeked over. Completely undaunted.

I'm anxious to take Max on some more trails, and try a few car camping excursions, but my ultimate goal is to go on an overnight backpacking trip

Anyone else take their Cairns out on the trail?

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Those are great pics! Looks like alot of fun was had!!!! The more you do with him the more fune he (and you) will have. I have so much fun with Scooter! I am very active and I am glad he can keep up with me.

Scooter is my hiking and kayaking partner! I brought my GSD for the first time yesterday as well.

Here are some of Scoot's adventures:








And Dozer's first trip to the top:


Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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The camping picture was an overnight kayak, hike to camp trip. The picture of him on the rocks was hiking to the place we camped.

I also used to bend over to pick Scoot up b/c I figured he couldn't jump them but he would leap right up.

Jess, Scooter, Sadie and Dozer


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We went camping a couple weekend's ago. Brody seemed to LOVE it! We didn't get to do much hiking due to the weather, but we can't wait to go back and try it again!

Here's a pic! Look at his toothy smile!!


Setting up camp.


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We had our cairns on a 3 mile mountain hike over the weekend, as well. They scabbled up the mountainside checking every nook and cranny for a critter. They are hearty hikers, indeed!

At base camp, we had swimming lessons for Sully, who had his first chance in a lake. Didn't need to teach him much. He just walked down to the lake, walked in and found himself over his head. He calmly started tooling around....dog paddle style.

When Kona swims, he looks pretty stoooooopid. He makes a splash with his paws and tries to catch it with his mouth. Hillarious. He can motorboat around like this for hours if I let him. We have to be careful, especially in mountain lakes, as the cold glacier water sucks the heat right from their bodies.



Greg and Val Perry

Home of Kula RN CGC, Am. Can. Int'l. CH Cairngorm Coffee Tea or Me RA ME EE2/Can. SE NAJ NAS CGC (Kona), CH Clanmarr's Steele Princess (Hattie) and CH Scotchbroom Thistle The Patriot SE (Sully) Visit: CroftersDream.com

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Here's some photos from our adventure!

That third photo demonstrates what I've noted about my pups.

They are very conscious of the height as demonstrated by the way

they keep their front legs waaay back from the edge and then just

lean to look down.

Cute. Thanks for the pics.

Max and Nelly

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