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Pets as Therapy Dogs in UK


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I contacted the PAT UK organisation to register Holly as I think she would be a lovely dog to take visiting Hospices and Care Homes. However, here they do not do any training but they assess the dog's temperment. However, they insist that the dog walks on a collar and lead - no harness allowed. Holly will freeze if I put lead onto collar and not move at all. Therefore, it looks as if she would not be accepted as a PAT dog.

I am not sure why they have this insistence as surely a collar or harness attached lead does not affect the temperment of dog?

Is this a criteria in USA too?

[this may be in wrong part of Forum? if so, sorry!]


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I am sure you could train Holly to walk with a collar. It would take a while, but you'd get there eventually.

Seems like an odd requirement to me though - did you ask why they do not allow halters?

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They say that harness/head collars etc are only used when dogs have behaviour problems so therefore unsuitable!

Oh, well - I think she would be a lovely PAT dog.................... but unless I can get her to walk on the lead and collar she won't have the opportunity!

Have asked them again for proper reason but just get told that is their rules!

Will persevere with collar and lead....................... but I think it was used in her past life in some way that meant discomfort and pain.


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I didn't know that, how weird. Perhaps you could try walking her on a two point contact to start with. That is to say on her harness and her collar and see if she will accept it like that for a while. Then slowly work on using the harness for control less and less until you put the harness on but don't attatch the lead?

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Therepy Dog International here in the US only allows dogs to be on a plain buckle collar or harness. No training harnesses or collars are allowed (This would include slip, pinch and martingale collars. Halti type head collars and premier type harnesses {that the lead clips to in the front and it controls the dog by causing the chest to constrict on its self}are also not allowed).

Basically they want a dog who is capable of loose lead walking without correction and under voice control. This is important in a hospital situation. Accidents do happen and equipment malfunctions...so if a collar slips or breaks they want assurance that the animal will respond to the owner immediately.

Also many people see the head type collars and think muzzle...dangerous dog. It may not seem fair...but image is very important in these types of situations. There are still many skeptics out there who are looking for excuses not to allow dogs in hospital settings.

Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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