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New CGC!


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Yesterday Mushu and I traveled all the way from Monterrey, Mexico to McAllen, TX. I had to go pick up my bank card anyway, but I contacted in advance a certified tester for the Canine Good Citizen certification and scheduled our trip on a day he could test Mushu.

I had to leave poor mushu in Petsmart for a while, as I had to do some other errands besides the bank, and I picked him up barely to make it to the test. I so wanted to have time before to get him relaxed... and tired!! But I ran out of time and was only able to make it on time. The guy was just arriving.

At the beginning there were two other dogs who started barking at Mushu (the instructor was giving an obedience class after our test. Stress me!!!), and he got a bit excited. I thought "great! we're going to flunk before we even start the test). But after that, he got over the novelty of the other dogs, and our test started.

He did everything so well! I was worried about, of course, the "greeting someone with a dog" part. He didn't even turn at him (I'm starting to think he didnh't see him!!). I am so proud of him!!

I'm so glad we passed at the first try. He of course got lots of prizes for it.

So our next target is the Therapy Dog thing. I'll start finding information about that here in Mexico.

Just wanted to share my pride. :D

Lili, Toño, Luisa, Gabo, and Mushu.

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That is fantastic! A big kiss on the snout to Mushu from my girls! High five to you!

It is a wonderful thing that you guys will be putting smiles on some beautiful faces..


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Good for you Lili & Mustu. CGC is the first stepping stone to a well behaved dog. Much luck on your TD.


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