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Mommy's little helper


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Planted tomato plants today, as I got done with my 12th one, I notice it's awfully quiet in the backyard, start looking around and notice my little helper, Kooper, digging up what I just planted! He looked so intent on his job of destructing the garden I just had to laugh---thank goodness there's a Farmer's Market every week in the town I live in-looks llike I will be buying my fresh produce there.

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My neighbor plants tomatoes and peppers in my yard. He likes to garden, I don't, so he had been using the space for many years. Tomatoes are better than weeds, and he gets so many tomatoes we can't give enough of them away. So this year he was turning the soil getting ready to plant and Malcolm was out there helping him. I said we have to do something or Malcolm would be digging them up. There is a low fence around the patch, but not high enough to keep Malcolm out. So we got some more of those round wire supports and filled the patch with so many Malcolm can't even walk in there. So far so good, but you know how Cairns are, he might still figure out a way to get into that patch.

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They are harmful to dogs?? Wow, didn't know that, thanks. Ok I'm off to do some research.

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the tomatoe plant is toxic to both humans and pets but the fruit is not...here's a list of toxic plants

toxic plants


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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