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Woohoo! Doggy doors!


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Now, Louie can go in and out of the house as much as his spazzy terrier self can without making one of us open the door. It was getting bad with one of us getting up every few minutes to let him in or out.

He still scratches and yelps at the door to get in/out but if we let him be, he'll remember the door and use it. He was scared of it at first and barked his fool head off at it, it being, you know DIFFERENT, but I stood on one side and Tony the other and showed him treats through the door until he got it. He'd walk on coals for food.

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Doggy doors are very liberating!! It reminds me of the feeling you have when your teenager gets their license and you don't have to drive them EVERYWHERE!!! Yippee.

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sheila and Misty

They sound great but I think it would cause me more problems than not-Everytime an animal would be in the yard they may go get it-even if its something I prefer them to avoid. ex-skunk racoon cat neighbors grandchildren. someone forgetting to close the gate. I must be over cautios - I like to know where they are at all times -Id rather control the in out thing. but my neighbor has one and she loves it!

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Doggy doors are brilliant and I would never want to be without them. They save me so much time and if a dog needs to go outside I don't need to be available. Of course, if I am standing by the door my dogs will wait until I open the regular dog for them rather than use their doggy door. Why not let the humane servant do the work :)

In terms of safety - in my home now and in my previous house the dog doors open into a small fenced and gated area, so if I don't want them in the garden it's easy for me to shut the gate and keep them more confined. I know it's not possible in every house, but I also have a solid door before the dog with the doggy door, so if I really want them to stay in the house they cannot go outside at all.

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