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Super dirty, happy dog!


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Took Louie fishing today and he had so much fun!! He may be small, but he gets in situations that most people don't think a little dog would be interested in. He got in the water, watched a turtle, fell in the deep part of the water, sniffed every nook and cranny, ate stinky sand, whined for a dead fish, rolled around in the mud and sand, sat in the rain, peed on trees, met new people, barked at geese, ate all the popcorn my kids dropped. He was all go go go go go go go. He was filthy by the time we went home, but happy!!

Everyday I am reminded of "big dog in a little body" and how appropriate it is for our Cairns. There's nothing sissy about them. They're not little foo foo lap dogs!

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Glad to hear Louie had a good time. If only we were dogs, we wouldn't need the expensive amusement parks, a turtle and a dead fish could keep us occupied for hours.

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Sounds like a fantastic day for all!

Tough little buggars can put up with the best of them! FooFoo my behind.


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