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Malcolm and the sprinkler

Malcolm's Dad

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I put the sprinkler out this evening, I hadn't put it out since Malcolm arrived so this was new to him. I have to keep Malcolm inside when I do something in the yard, otherwise he is just too much of pest and I can't get anything done. So I get the sprinkler going and open the door to let Malcolm out. He runs over to the sprinkler and starts barking at it, something strange is in his yard. Then he gets sprinkled. He starts jumping in the air biting the water as it rains down. Then he starts growling at the water droplets and chases them as they sweep across the yard. He was having a blast chasing the water back and forth. This was better than any toy. He was soaking wet but still didn't want to come in. Finally I brought him in so I could dry him off a little or else there would be a damp crate. Now he is sleeping like a baby. This is great, I have something that will burn off some energy and tire him out.

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My friends Irish Terrier loves playing with water from sprinkler or hose.........................Holly so far not bothered by water and not keen on hose in my garden. However, yesterday we spent most of day with them and their 3 yr old grandson named Ollie. The little boy was sat in paddling pool with playing with balls and the dogs went over to investigate. Holly dipped head in and drank some of the water and then tried to get hold of a ball................ she kept patting it and it rolled away so Ollie moved it back and she really enjoyed herself trying to get at it! Even so far as putting two tentative paws in the pool! and then when they were putting some more water in patting the water! The game lasted about 20 minutes and it was so nice seing Ollie playing with her in that way. Unfortunately I did not have camera with me because I would have loved to capture the happy expression on her drippng wet face ! :)

She then shook herself all over me!


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My first cairn used to do that, attack the sprinkler game. He loved it. I'm not sure if I've had the sprinkler on yet with my current cairns or not, something to think about putting out for them. It is funny to watch when they bite at the water.

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ahh that sounds super cute!

my ozzy (dark one) loves water and spent the whole of yesterday chasing imaginary things in the paddling pool!

"Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they're only animals."

- Jewish philosopher Theodor Adorno

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Sounds like you guys have some swimming demons on yall hands. I started with a hose, then sprinkler..wading pool..then pond and now i cant even have a floatie in my own pool when the dogs are around. I think these lil guys love water and the more they get used to it..the more they become unstoppable when it comes to water!

I find it is the best way to get them to burn energy too. I can take puddles walking 12 miles and she will still be throwing the ball in my face.

But when we have a nice hour water session, being sprinkler to the pool...it puts her out like a light..I love it.


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I posted these pix of Sophie a couple of years ago, but some of you newer members might enjoy them. I sent them in to a local newspaper and they ran them in an article called " Dog Days of Summer". Obviously, she loves the water, but Bailey hates to get wet.



Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Thanks for those pictures jimnconnie. Yep, that looks familiar. Its so funny just watching these little guys, they are great entertainment. Someone needs to make a tv show on Cairns.

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