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No dogs, just their front yard.

No dogs, just their front yard.

Wouldn’t Sam have fun digging away here!!😳









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Sam I Am

Posted (edited)

When We got Sam my biggest fear was that he would digest something poisonous in the back yard, as he was eatus anythingus till about 2 yrs.old..... then he started to grow up. However the front yard plantings has some nasty plants that could hurt both dogs if they chose a nibble. A bit like the poisonous ☠️ gardens you find in https://www.alnwickgarden.com/the-garden/poison-garden/

So to those that like planting things, please check to make sure what you plant won’t cause problems with your dog or if you have young children. 🤗

Edited by Sam I Am


My T Bone almost died when he ate a poisonous mushroom out of our yard -- who knew? We were on top of a mountain on the isle of Skye when the dogsitter called to tell us he was in the emergency room and it was very touch-and-go. We are lucky to have her -- she clearly saw something was wrong immediately and got him in - saved his life.  He continued his pattern of tasting first and regretting later his entire life, though.

Sam I Am


Yikes..a dangerous habit. I actually planted rhubarb in the yard this year as Sam seems to be not interested in eating bad things....but I always watch him.



I thought about our earlier dog's habits when I planted some green beans in our garden this year (pandemic home gardening - have not had any more than herbs for years, but suddenly I have beans, tomatoes, etc.) Our first cairn, Annie, used to sneak into the vegie garden -- then in raised bed -- and eat all the green beans she could reach.  It took us a while to figure out why all the low-hanging beans had been bit in half...

She was fond of raspberries too.

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Sam I Am


That’s our dogs also! They hear a snap of a bean in the garden and they are there in a flash. Your raspberry story made me laugh. One  of my horses years ago discovered our neighbours raspberry patch, if he reached as far as he could over the fence he could have a feast....he picked off every berry and ate them. My neighbour was not happy.

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