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  • Classifieds Guidelines

    1. Important: Advertising outside of the classified section is still prohibited, per forum guidelines.
    2. Classifieds are being offered as a test and no guarantee of future availability is made or implied. 
    3. Arrangements for sale, payments and delivery are entirely the responsibility of buyer and seller. 
    4. All information about listings is provided by the seller. CairnTalk.net assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any listing. Caveat emptor.
    5. No pets or live animals may be advertised under any circumstances or for any purpose. No rehomes,  no placements, no rescues, nothing remotely related to the placement of an animal. Please immediately report any ad that appears in violation of this guideline (use the 'report' link).
    6. Classifieds are offered for the primary benefit of active users of the community although any registered member may use the system. The cost of placing a classified is on a sliding scale that corresponds to member group (which is in turn loosely linked to forum tenure and activity) and is free for supporting members.
    7. Because the classifieds are intended for community members and not organizations, advertising of fund-raising items and similar offerings are generally prohibited with the following exception: an advertising package is available for fundraising related items and must be used for any ad where the proceeds are intended to benefit anyone other than the individual posting the ad. Any attempt to circumvent this guideline in fact or spirit will result in removal of the ad and access to the classifieds.
    8. If you are listing your items elsewhere and your ad here becomes obsolete, please mark it complete.
    9. The classified system is new, under development, updated periodically by the developer, and being offered on a tentative basis. Have fun but expect a certain amount of change and challenges! Your patience is appreciated as the system develops and as we develop experience with it as members of the community. 
    10. Please use the support forum for questions/answers on using the system as questions will no doubt come up for all of us.


    Sounds good. Let's go!




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