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  • I, Toto

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    I often feel Toto is overdone when it comes to Cairn Terriers. Perhaps because Toto is the shorthand that anyone and everyone recognizes when you have to explain what a Cairn Terrier is, it does sometimes seem that Toto is *all there is.*  So I bought this book more or less in the spirit of "anything Cairn related" but with no particular expectation that I would enjoy it. Even the premise seemed a bit twee — oh sure a lost autobiography,  written from the dogs POV. Ugh.  

    Oh boy, was I ever wrong. Confessed, admitted, repented.

    I *thoroughly* enjoyed this book. It contained far more detail about the life and times of Terry and her trainer and the industry than I ever expected. If you encounter this book in a yard sale or local bookshop, give it a look. 


    Willard Carroll


    During the expansion of the Ventura Freeway in Los Angeles, Willard Carroll unearthed a leatherbound scrapbook from a site that was once a pet cemetery. To his amazement, its yellowing pages contained the rags-to-riches story of Terry, the cairn terrier who played Toto in the enduring film The Wizard of Oz. Reprinted here in its entirety, I, Toto traces the canine star’s tragic beginnings, her exhilarating film career, and her happy retirement in Southern California.

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