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Wiener Dog Doing Agility Makes Up the Rules on the Fly

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Edith is all about the climb.

Here's a photo of me using my ears to 'fly' over the jumps! ✈������ pic.twitter.com/x0wbBHUmAe

— Edith the Dachshund (@ediesausage)

March 19, 2016

This miniature Dachshund and Twitter star showed just how cute a few mistakes can be when she ran around the agility course and, fueled by just a wee-bit too much excitement, did a few extra obstacles. Edith seems to prefer darting up the A frame and dog walk—she took several detours to show off her sprinting skills on the elevated equipment.

See her full run here:

More like this:

Little Dogs Doing Agility {Photos}

Golden Retriever Hilariously Bombs Obedience Test


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Recommended Comments

Wheee. Small dogs love to be tall. Barley (RIP) used to dash over to the dog-walk to "get high" every chance she got :P  We never made any progress in agility. That experience is what sent us to obedience class!

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