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Do Dog Owners or Cat Owners Take More Pet Photos?

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How many pictures and videos do you take of your pet? According to new research, dog owners and cat owners differ in their digital habits.


Cat owners take more photos.

A study of 1,000 participants conducted by digital-content storage company MiMedia of 1,000 participants found that dog owners take an average of two photos of their dog everyday. Comparatively, cat owners take about four to five photos a day.


But dog owners take more video.

Ten percent of dog owners take more than two videos of their pet each week, and 40 percent of the videos are longer than 11 seconds. Cats get less digital play—only 7 percent of owners take more than two videos each week, and 30 percent are longer than 11 seconds.


Dog owners also make more money.

The study also found that cat owners make an average of $50,000 to $,74,999 a year, compared with dog owners, who earn an average of $75,000 to $99,999 annually.


Still, they do have some things in common.


¡Dos son compañia, tres son alegría!��#kitten #petlovers #dogsandcats #dogsoninstagram #instacat #cute

A photo posted by Purina España (@purina_es) on Mar 8, 2016 at 12:20am PST

Forty percent of both dog and cat owners have run out of storage on their smartphones. Also, 42 percent of all photos and videos are shared, mostly by text message. 


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