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New Events Showcase


The Calendar app has recently been updated to showcase Events in a more stylish manner :) 

Members may submit events that would be of interest to Cairn folk.  Regional Cairn and terrier clubs (world-wide) are especially invited to add events in your area where Cairns would be welcome.

Thank you for helping make the Events page a useful resource by contributing relevant events!

How To Add an Event

Cick the Create Event button.


Choose the most appropriate category. Note that you can add a calendar entry to celebrate your Cairn's birthday, gotcha day, or other Cairniversary.


Take special care to review and set the time and date information. Generally it's simplest to select This is an all day event;. If timing is very important, be sure to confirm that the time zone is set to the time zone of the event itself (and mind the AM PM setting).


If the event is online-only (such an online meeting or seminar), enable the online event switch. If the event is an online meeting, an optional field will appear to let you paste in a meeting URL.

If the event is local use the Venue section to let folks know where the event will be held. Fill in as much information as you have available.

Special Cases

Cairn anniversaries are a special case, neither fish nor fowl. Please set dog anniversaries as regular events—not online—but with no location or venue. You can simply ignore the Venue/Location fields for dog anniversaries. 


Albums: You can (indeed should) ignore this section—we don't use it.

Some administrative notes

  1. The usual site rules apply, so submitted events may not promote any breeder, kennel, or business.
  2. To manage the inevitable spam (sigh) submitted events are manually reviewed and approved after submission. Please be patient.
  3. Your event is successfully submitted and approved when it appears in the month view for the event. You may also see a notification bubble at the top of the page on the bell (notification) icon after the approval.
  4. I may edit submitted calendar items for technical or editorial reasons. Based on my experience elsewhere the number one editorial edit is making  event titles shorter, much shorter.
  5. Events in the animated slider area are featured events selected by the administrator.
  6. This events feature is still under development — expect some small changes in function and appearance over the next few months as updates are released.
  7. Need help? Post your question(s) or request in Forum Support.


  • A meeting place and
    online scrapbook for
    Cairn Terrier fanciers.



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